DMA: Difference-Making Actions | Clarity

Clarity is having vision and purpose, communicating expectations and giving focus to daily actionable tasks. Difference-Making Actions is a method for having and keeping daily clarity. 

DMA Strategy:

  1. First thing every morning, take a sticky note.
  2. At the top write your most important current goal.
  3. Then write the numbers 1-5 down the page.
  4. Next to the 1, write the most important thing you could do today to accomplish that goal. Then write the next most important things under 2, 3, 4 and 5.
  5. You now have a list of the 5 most important things you could do today that would make the biggest difference in accomplishing your goal and fulfilling your organization’s mission. 

Focused: DMA’s are the most important actions for the day–you shouldn’t have more than five.

Clear and Quantifiable: The focus here is on activites, not outcomes, so know exactly what you are going to do. 

Realistic: Your DMAs will not be effective if you can’t actually do them. 


DMAs, Clarity, The Trust Edge, David Horsager, Building Trust

Business Model Generation | Clarity

In the book Business Model Generation , Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur share effective solutions for brainstorming and designing a business. We highly recommend these methods for any group brainstorming. They will help any team while processing and creating new marketing strategies. When building new strategies it is vital to have clear expectations and communication. Some creative ways to build strategies are:

  • Visualizing with Post-it Notes
  • Visualizing with Drawings
  • Understand the Essence
  • Enhance Dialogue
  • Explore Ideas
  • Improve Communication

 Using Different Types of Visualization for Different Needs will help in building a strong, clear strategy.

(Taken from pages 150-157 of Business Model Generation by Osterwalder & Pigneur)



Business Model Generation, Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Clarity, Strategy, Visualizing, Communication

Zooming: How Effective Leaders Adjust Focus | Clarity

Harvard Business School Professor, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, talks on having a clear vision, the importance of zooming in and zooming out, and what should be the top priorities of a leader.



Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business School, Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Clarity, Vision, The Trust Edge

Want to Help Someone? Shut Up and Listen | Compassion

Ernesto Sirolli, Founder of the Sirolli Institute, shares with students why it is more important to listen than to give out one’s own ideas. People do not need to be patronized. Learn how to respond to people and become a servant to those you work with.

The Trust Edge gives tips for effective listening. Keep eye contact. Listen with your body. Practice patience. Empathize. Be present. Avoid answering the electornic interrupter. Hold one conversation at a time. Ernesto expands more on these effective listening tips in this video. 


Ernesto Sirolli, Sirolli Institute, Effectiveness, Effective listening, The Trust Edge, Patience

A Sure Way for Undecided Voters to Decide | Trust in Government

Votes will be cast next week, and one of the world’s most influential people will take office on January 20th. Who will decide? The undecided voters will tip the balance left or right. If you are one of them, what metrics will you use? Trust expert, author and researcher David Horsager has a solution. Put on the lens of trust to help you pick what you see as the more trusted side of the fence to land on. 

“Trust has the ability to accelerate or destroy any business, relationship, or COUNTRY,” says David Horsager, author of #2 Wall Street Journal Best Selling Book The Trust Edge. “The election is completely determined by trust.”

But, what does it mean to be trusted? Horsager outlines 8 pillars of trustworthiness that he has uncovered through research and consulting. The eight pillars are clarity, compassion, character, competency, commitment, connection, contribution and consistency. There are 8 questions to ask when deciding who you believe is the best candidate for the job.

Mitt Romney or Barack Obama

1. Who has a clearer vision?

2. Who has higher character?

3. Who is more capable to lead the country?

4. Who is more likely to get results?

5. Who is more committed to upholding the Constitution?

6. Who is more compassionate?

7. Who is more willing to collaborate with others?

8. Who is a more consistent leader?


Whoever you chose the most is the leader you trust the most.

With the 8 pillars of trust in mind, which candidate seems to be more trusted? Last week, Horsager and his team polled people across America and found a fairly even distribution except for 2 questions. 60% of those polled believe Barack Obama is more compassionate and 60% believe Mitt Romney is more committed to upholding the Constitution. Who do YOU trust more?

The single uniqueness of the greatest leaders and organizations is trust. According to David Horsager, “Trust requires time, effort, diligence, and character. Inspiring trust is not slick or easy to fake.” Our country needs a leader who can be trusted. As defined by Horsager, trust is a confident belief in someone or something to do what is right, deliver what is promised, and to be the same every time, in spite of circumstances.

 Who do you trust to lead America?

Beth Noveck: Demand a More Open-Source Government | Trust in Government

Beth Noveck former deputy CTO at the White House informs us how having clarity with government
data amongst government officials and entities can help improve the level of trust.


Beth Noveck, Trust in Government, Clarity, Open-Source

CSPAN | Trusted Company of the Month

The Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network, nearly 30 years old, isn’t the television station to tune into for political fluff. Nor does it fill the airwaves with the new style of media journalism that some describe as mere editorial opinion disguised as news. Viewers wont find competitive taglines or shouts of clever advertising jargon. That vein of political entertainment is found on the other television news channels. Yet C-SPAN and its staff have garnered a long list of awards. They operate on the premise that citizens inherently want to trust that the information being broadcasted is unfiltered and unedited, spoken directly to them from the house floor, without the color commentary. C-SPAN has achieved exemplary trust through their famous brand of transparency and clarity.


trust in media, trust in politics, trusted company, Trusted Company of the month, CSPAN

2 Things Successful People Do During Their 1st Hour Of Work | The Trust Edge

Learning good habits is easier said than done. How can I be more productive when I already have so much to do?

Kevin Purdy highlights 2 things that the most successful people do with the 1st hour of everyday. “… it’s a fine strategy for leaving the office with the feeling that, even on the most over-booked days, you got at least one real thing done.”


How to be More Effective at Work, Increased Productivity, Leadership, Self Leadership, Smaller Inbox Strategies for Being Productive, Too Many Emails, The Trust Edge, Trust in Business

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