International Hubbing & Structure | Trust Trends 2014 Series

Major international hubs are forming around manufacturing and logistics clusters, and corridors between them are developing like superhighways of land, air, and sea.

Major international hubs are forming around manufacturing and logistics clusters, and corridors between them are developing like superhighways of land, air, and sea. Global trade, services, and online infrastructure are becoming quicker, easier, and more connected to the source, and manufacturing is shifting from China to Southeast Asia, Africa, and back to the United States. In 2014, the world is growing an international infrastructure.

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Quality and Meaning for People | Trust Trends 2014 Series

Talent economists know that in order to maintain top employees, they have to develop business around meaningful missions and create fulfilling roles.

In the open-talent economy, employees have options, and talent is a scarce resource. Business leaders are thinking like talent economists and sustainability directors. Leaders know that in order to keep top talent, they must introduce environmental, social and governance strategies, provide collaborative work, create environments conducive to multiple generations, allow for flexible work schedules, and focus on happiness. People are searching for meaningful mission statements and high quality work environments.


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Strategy for Innovative Agility | Trust Trends 2014 Series

Success, let alone survival, demands an ability to quickly respond to fast-changing markets and environments.

Financial squeezing, increased digital commerce, cutting-edge Big Data technology, increasing distrust in big institutions, and quickly changing markets has given way to innovative strategies for agility. Small organizations are more insightful, and larger organizations are more agile. In addition, new financial systems are being developed, entrepreneurs have an opportunistic outlook, SME’s are thriving, and agile systems of all types are being developed to replace outdated, bulky, and bureaucratic systems. 

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Answer to the Trust Crisis | Trust Trends 2014 Series

In 2014, eight key global trends reveal that the world is in a trust crisis, and developing the eight-pillar framework of The Trust Edge is the way out. From the Cyprus bank fiasco and Edward Snowden’s leaks to the Syria chemical weapons attack and horsemeat scandals, stories of distrust are overflowing from the news. These trust breaches are combining with trends of rapid change to leave the world in a volatile state. Worse yet, leaders are leaving our world vulnerable.

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Four Guys and Shindig | Trust & Accountability

People sometimes ask me how I stay grounded and on track amidst such busy travel and life schedule. While I certainly can be better, several things come to mind. Strong family, faith, and friendships are at the top of the list. Though I am passionate about The Trust Edge message I don’t get my life from it. One of the most important part of my life has been four guys and Shindig.

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Top 10 Trust Inhibitors | Trust in Leadership

Trust. It’s becoming a prevailing word in society. We know we need more, but where does one start? One important initial step is to identify some of the inhibitors. Check out this list and consider your team’s greatest current challenges. How can you and your company or family break through them?
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Avoid Hefty Contracts | Building Trust with Gen Y Series

Stay away from hefty long-term contracts. (9 of 9 in series)

Millennials are just as committed as boomers, but it looks a whole lot different. Whereas boomers and prior generations were committed to companies, Gen Y is committed to meaningful missions. They get passionate about social issues and think of organizations as platforms to carry out their purpose/mission. According to Marcus and Jane Buckingham, millennials are expected to have at least seven positions during their careers.

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Set High Ethical Standards | Building Trust with Gen Y Series

Set and expect high ethical standards. (8 of 9 in series)

The 2013 Edelman Trust Barometer found that only 17.5% of people around the globe trust their business and government leaders.  The sad truth is that Gen Y expects ethical mishaps from many of their leaders and they’re probably personally influenced by grimy college experiences and superficial reality television shows. There is great opportunity for improvement, and Gen Y wants it.

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Don’t Be Addicted to Anything | Building Trust in Oneself

As we lose another great actor, likely to a drug addiction, I think of what a mentor said to me when I was 12 years old, “Don’t be addicted to anything.” I often think about that statement. It is best not to be addicted to anything. Think about it. People that have to have their coffee or they are going to be hard to deal with are addicted. People that have to have a drink to settle down are addicted. People that have to play “Sugar Crush” before bed are addicted. People that have to watch that one TV show or they will be upset are addicted.  Beware your addictions, big or small, for they run your life to some degree. As Og Mandino said, “We are a slave to our habits. [Therefore,] I will form good habits and become their slaves.”

Provide the Newest Technology | Building Trust with Gen Y Series

Provide the newest technology.  (7 of 9 in series)

The lives of Gen Y mark the dawn of post-humanism.  Gadgets are like an extension of a millennial, allowing them to work better and faster. And, they’ve projected and marketed avatars of themselves through social media for a decade. They become quickly frustrated using techniques and tools that are outdated, because they know better technology will allow them to work smarter, not harder, and get better results. Provide the latest technology that makes sense, provide opportunities to sell you on the value of other technology, and seriously consider the impact. You might be surprised at how many resources they’re aware of, and how they can help.

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