Set High Ethical Standards | Building Trust with Gen Y Series

Set and expect high ethical standards. (8 of 9 in series)

The 2013 Edelman Trust Barometer found that only 17.5% of people around the globe trust their business and government leaders.  The sad truth is that Gen Y expects ethical mishaps from many of their leaders and they’re probably personally influenced by grimy college experiences and superficial reality television shows. There is great opportunity for improvement, and Gen Y wants it.

One of your organization’s greatest competitive advantages in the open talent economy is to have trusted leaders and challenging employee development programs. Millennials have experienced enough mishaps from people like Lance Armstrong, Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods, and Anthony Weiner to know how important it is to think ethically and socially. They work purposefully when given ethical dilemmas, and expect them to respond positively when given honest feedback that challenges their own behavior. Settle for mediocrity in ethics, and millennials… won’t be surprised. Strive for what’s right, and you’ll garner uncommon unity and drive.

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