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Magnetic vs. Repellant Traits | The Trust Edge



Want to build connection? Be grateful. Gratefulness goes a long way in shaping who we are. Gratefulness is the foundation for being a magnetic person. Being magnetic doesn’t mean you have to be outgoing or charismatic. Being magnetic begins at selflessness, compassion and gratefulness.


Apple, Google, Coca-Cola | Most Trusted Global Brands


Apple & Google surpassed Coca-Cola on Monday as the best global brands. Interbrand’s annual findings showed 28% and 34% brand changes for the two tech giants. Coca-Cola’s minor 2% growth was  just enough to keep them in the top 3, after holding the #1 position for 13 straight years.

As the world’s most valuable global brands, consumer votes prove them to be the most trusted as well. How do they do it?

Here are a few tips they’ve used that you can apply right now:

1.) Develop a genuine and attractive mission statement, vision, and values.

2.) Integrate this strategy into what you deliver.

3.) Assure consistency.

4.) Listen to and allow your followers to become part of your brand, while maintaining your core.


Costa Concordia freed from rocks: Rebuilding trust after major wreckage | The Trust Edge

After a year of salvaging, the Costa Concordia cruise liner that wrecked in the Mediterranean has finally been lifted from the rocky Tuscan coast. The captain of the cruise liner, Francesco Schettino, has been charged with manslaughter, after his carelessness killed 32 vacationers and injured many more.

Now, Carnival Corporation has a major task of rebuilding the trust of its employees and clients. This one major accident will take countless little steps to counteract. Where does Carnival Corporation go from here? How does any company come back from major wreckage like this?

  • Of course, the first step in real lasting change is a change of heart. Re-evaluate your core values and principles. You might have to change those you have held on to for too long or implement some that you have slacked in. 
  • It starts with transparency. Carnival Corporation must acknowledge the magnitude of broken trust. In addition to the Costa Concordia wreck, they’ll need to acknowledge the multiple times their cruise liners have stalled and had technical issues in the last year. 
  • They must also recognize that they need a major re-branding of their company.
  • It might be time for a leadership change.  Analyst Karl Burns said, “The Management have been there a long time and there has not been much impetus to change the company and adapt to a different economic and trading environment.” In addition, The Guardian recently shared, “Carnival has been crying out for governance changes…,” and rightly so. A leadership change could be the best place to start a rebrand.
  • They need to update their policies. Previous ineffective policies must be taken out or evolved. 

So how do they keep going? They need to acknowledge what’s happened, begin a rebrand, have a leadership change, update their policies, and take little steps of rebuilding trust. If they do, their cruise-liners and company will stay afloat.


Costa Concordia, Building Trust, Salvaging Trust, how to rebuild trust


Seth Godin: The Trust Brand | The Trust Edge

The Trust Brand

HOW? HOW? HOW? | The Trust Edge

Decision Making on Syria | Trust in Government

Trust Tip of the Week

The conflict in Syria is incredibly complex, and there are positives and negatives to each decision being considered. Global leaders would do well to contemplate actions based on what is best for rebuilding trust in Syria and the international community. They, and we, ought to think in terms of the long-term over short-term. Response over reaction. Certainty over probability. Greater good over partial interests. Collaboration over dictating. Timeliness over immediacy. Understanding context over stereotyping.  Scenarios over dogmatism. Solutions over punishment.

WAKE UP! | The Trust Edge

While in Banff, Alberta I came across a park map that gave detailed information on how to defend yourself in a bear attack. As humorous as the safety manual was, the reality of it all was that if you’re not aware of your surroundings you’re going to walk through life a walking dead man. Wake Up! to the people around you!


Bear attack, The Trust Edge, david horsager, Banff, Banff National park, Wake Up!, Be present

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