The One and Only Way to Rebuild Trust | The Trust Edge

Have you ever been in a situation where you have broken trust? What happens when you need to rebuild trust? How do you get it back? There is only one way to build and regain trust: make and keep your promises.

Several years ago I was talking to a CEO from the Netherlands and I asked him what he thought the biggest difference was between American and Dutch businessmen. His response was direct, but telling. He said, “In America, there is a bunch of lying apologizers.”

It might seem harsh, but he has a point. Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant and Bernard Maydoff — these men have experienced personal or moral failures and offered public apologies. But do we trust them? That depends little on their apology, and much on their willingness to create tangible solutions to fix the problem.

The next step in a sincere apology is to make it right or solve the problem. Stand by the commitments that you have made to rebuild trust. Make promises that you can keep.

Trust is gained by consistent, truthful action over time. 

If you say you’re going to do things and don’t follow through, it may be the first reason why your trust was broken. It doesn’t matter if you’re Lance Armstrong, or BP, or the president of a small company. The one and only way to build and regain trust for yourself, or your organization, is to make and keep your promises. 

Here are a few ways to re-build trust and make sure your actions are lining up with your words:


Take responsibility for your actions. Acknowledge what really happened and that feelings are truly hurt.


Be patient and forgive. Recognize you have been forgiven by others and by God. Forgive yourself and understand that you are not perfect.

Evaluation and Accountability

Look closely at your actions and ask yourself if they line up with your words. If not, make the changes necessary to do so.

Ask a few people you respect — Am I the kind of person you can count on? Without being defensive, take their feedback to heart. Set up accountability for growth.

Don’t just apologize. Deliver results.

Next time you make a mistake (we all do), don’t just apologize. Offer tangible solutions to the problem, and follow through on those solutions, no matter what. Make small promises and keep them.



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5 Presidents, 1 Commonality: Trust | The Trust Edge

Today, April 25, 2013, was a significant day in American history as five presidents came together to honor the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library. Although these presidents served with different political agendas and ideologies, they all had one thing in common: Trust. Whether it was building or re-building trust with U.S. Citizens each of these men can acknowledge that a lack of trust is your biggest expense.

Whether a president was attempting to build trust with its people after a dip in the economy or rebuilding trust after a public scandal, each president knew that they needed to have their people trust them to be effective in the leadership of the United States.

President Clinton had a breach of trust when he was charged with lying under oath and obstruction of justice in his attempts to cover up his affair with White House Intern, Monica Lewinsky. He also failed to obtain a healthcare reform, and was investigated for his financial dealings. President Carter’s breach of trust came in his inability to handle the 1980 Iran hostage crisis. The mysterious payment of $250,000 from the Libyan government to his brother cost him his re-election. 

Going into office President Bush had success upon success. Because of the events that occurred during his presidency, including the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and the Afghanistan and Iraq War, he left office in 2008 with an approval rating of 23%.

President Obama went into office with an economic burden on his shoulders, Republicans at his throat and controversial bills pouring through Congress. At the time of his re-election run his approval rating was at 38%.

So what made the public believe that Clinton’s endorsement of President Obama in the 2012 presidential elections was credible?

Why is it that Carter is now seen as the President who restored balance to the constitutional system after the Water Gate Scandal of Johnson and Nixon?

How is it that President George W. Bush has a 47% approval rating today?

Why is it that at the height of economic discussion President Obama has a 49% approval rating and according to a recent Gallup Poll is the most trusted, with a 57% approval rating, when it comes to handling economic issues?


Clinton proved that over time trust can be restored; it takes patience and consistency and a very sincere apology.

Carter stepped out of the lime-light, and began to contribute to the country and the world through his position as advisor to presidents on the Middle East and human rights issues.  

President Bush refused to respond when verbal assaults were hurled at him. He took responsibility for the events that occurred while in office. He began making huge contributions to American Veteran’s coming home from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars to show them his full appreciation for the heroic deeds and actions taken by the U.S. Military.

President Obama’s approval rating skyrocketed because he has been consistent in his message to the people. Whether or not you agree or disagree with him, among the fighting and bickering of the U.S. Congress, President Obama has connected with the American people and shown that he is competent and capable of making things happen.  

Today is a significant day, because these presidents have proven that:

  1. Trust over time, once deeply rooted and strong, can often withstand many storms and challenges.
  2. Even after trust has been broken, there is still hope, over time trust can be restored and lives enriched, it just takes patience and consistency. 


george bush george w bush, president obama, president jimmy carter, president clinton, George W. Bush Presidential Library, Political scandal, Building Trust, Trust in government, 

Gallup Poll: Who Do You Trust More? The President or Congress | The Trust Edge

Americans Trust Obama Most on Economy

The Gallup Poll shows that Americans lack of trust and confidence in President Obama and his handle on the economy is now turning around as he now has a rating of 57%. What could be happening that is turning people’s views? Who do you trust more at the moment to handle the current situation of the economy? President Obama or Congress?


gallup polls, obama on economics, obama approval rating, the current economy, economy of usa, us economy, economy, trust economy, the economy today, Trust in government, 

Rachel Botsman: The Currency of the New Economy is Trust | The Trust Edge


Rachel Botsman writes and speaks on the power of collaboration and sharing through technology and its impact on trust in the world. Over time and through small actions trust can either be built or destroyed. Through technology, information will be gathered and a dashboard is formed that will share your reputation and level of trust. In her talk Botsman shares that everyone has the power to shape their reputation, and it all starts with the bottom line of trust. 


rachel botsman ted, reputation power, trust economy, TED, Trust in Technology, trust technology, technology trust, 

John Kotter: Change Leadership vs. Change Management | The Trust Edge


“…Change leadership is just fundamentally different—it’s an engine. It’s more about urgency. It’s more about masses of people who want to make something happen. It’s more about big visions. It’s more about empowering lots and lots of people.

In business today the focus tends to stear towards change management, when in reality we need more people who will be change leaders. A change leader’s responsibility is to drive the vision, mission and values of a business and organization.Change leaders will be more willing to take risks, despite how scary it may be. John Kotter explains the signficiance of change leaders and how important it is we start focusing more on change leadership than managing change.



What is change leadership, change and leadership, leadership, organizational change, leading change, Kotter Change Management, 

Do the Right Thing | Character

Character, does not come from reading a book or going to a conference. Character is being intentional and consistently working hard. In a world that is bent out of shape and lacking in trust, finding people who have a trustworthy character is hard to come by.

Building character comes down to asking yourself one simple question: Am I doing the right thing? Being honest over telling others what they want to hear; helping others in need instead of focusing on our own needs is what is necessary to be a leader with character.

Everyone wants to be liked, but being honest over being liked is more important. In the fall of 2012, Hurricane Sandy hammered the Eastern Seaboard days before the Presidential election. Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey, a member of the GOP, had a difficult decision to make: Accept the help from his party’s opponent, President Obama? Or take a path that would agree with his party?

Christie chose to help the people of New Jersey and their needs instead of focusing on his party’s political needs and agenda. He even went as far as to praise President Obama in his response to Hurricane Sandy.  Christie’s focus was outside of his interests. He was more concerned about the needs of the citizens of New Jersey than offending his party or his 2013 re-election run for governor. This action by Christie boosted his ratings among the Democratic Party, but ultimately showed the people of New Jersey that he was not just a politician, but a Governor who cares about his people and can be trusted.

When you think of honesty and helping others in need who is the first person to come to mind? Chris Christie is only one example of a person whose character was authentic. The most recent Gallup poll lists the top 5 most trusted professions:

  1. Nurses
  2. Pharmacists
  3. Medical Doctors
  4. Engineers
  5. Dentists

Nurses, pharmacists, doctors, engineers, and dentists all take care of the people they serve. They assure healthiness and safety.  Chris Christie proved his character and trustworthiness by choosing what was right over what was easy. 


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Open Values Lead to Higher Character: QuikTrip | Company of the Month

Since 2003 QuikTrip has been listed in Fortune Magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For. QuikTrip is a company that creates a trusted environment by laying a foundation of shared values for over 7,000 employees. The successful convenience store chain, based out of Tulsa, OK, makes a point of getting people behind its unifying value, “Do the right thing for the employee and for the customer.” While it may seem simple this shared value is meaningful and has been a foundation of their notable culture of trust.

QuickTrip was consistently on Fortune’s Top 100 Places to Work For because of the character of its people. Every stakeholder in the organization is valued and considered. QuickTrip is known for its great service because employees have an expectation to be dependable and have a strong work ethic. These things create an environment where people work hard and have fun. In turn Quiktrip rewards its employees for their hard work with great pay, benefits and an endless amount of fountain drinks. QuickTrip contributes to the growth of their own employees as well as to the community through United Way, Big Brothers Big Sisters and National Safe Place.

QuikTrip knows their values and makes them known to all their employees. When you know your values and make them known. You will enjoy a business climate rich in high character. 



100 Best Companies, fortune 1000, best jobs to work for, trust company, what is a trusted company, company characters, The Trust Edge, Trusted Company of the month

Sheep Riding: Commitment in Business | Commitment


The Trust Edge, Commitment, Dave horsager, business commitment, inspirational business

Feed My Starving Children: An Example of Compassion | Trusted Company of the Month

Started by a Minnesota businessman, Richard Proudfit, Feed My Starving Children has been packaging and shipping food to the world’s hungry since 1987. The organization collaborated with major corporations like Cargill, Pillsbury and General Mills to create a meal that would be packed full of nutrients and could feed malnourished children. After delivering these meals to third world countries, the nonprofit realized they could do more than just provide nutritional meals. Now, not only do they distribute food, they partner with other organizations in helping to stabilize communities by devoting their other resources to schools, healthcare, ministry, agriculture, and micro-business to further develop third-world countries.

Feed My Starving Children has proven to be a trusted company. They are named among the nation’s 2% most-trustworthy charities. The organization is not just a name on a list of best charities. They’ve been named to this 2% becaues of the tremendous results, partially contributed by volunteers. All meals that are sent overseas have been hand packaged by groups of volunteers. FMSC increased its number of meals from 400,000 meals a year in 1994 to 153,000,000 meals a year in 2012. They reached a milestone in early 2012 of 600 million meals produced since the beginning of FMSC.

If you want to volunteer with Feed My Starving Children or want to know more about this trusted organization, go to


Compassion, Cargill, Pillsbury, General Mills, Feed My Starving Children, Trust in NonProfits, Charity Navigator, Trust in Business, Building Trust

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