Business Model Generation | Clarity

In the book Business Model Generation , Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur share effective solutions for brainstorming and designing a business. We highly recommend these methods for any group brainstorming. They will help any team while processing and creating new marketing strategies. When building new strategies it is vital to have clear expectations and communication. Some creative ways to build strategies are:

  • Visualizing with Post-it Notes
  • Visualizing with Drawings
  • Understand the Essence
  • Enhance Dialogue
  • Explore Ideas
  • Improve Communication

 Using Different Types of Visualization for Different Needs will help in building a strong, clear strategy.

(Taken from pages 150-157 of Business Model Generation by Osterwalder & Pigneur)



Business Model Generation, Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Clarity, Strategy, Visualizing, Communication

Starbucks: Trust and Success One-in-the-Same | Trust in Business



Starbucks is the No. 1 coffee shop in the world. Wherever you go, whether it be Des Moines, Iowa or the aiport in Beijing, China, you can find a Starbucks. What brought such great global success? Consumers trust that Starbucks will remain consistent in their promise. Starbucks has remained true to their mission and vision and in return customers remain loyal. 


Building Trust, Trust in Business, Marketing and trust, Consumer Trust, customer loyalty, organizational success, consistency


Trust and Reliance: Forming a Stable Relationship | The Trust Edge

For a long time trust and reliance have been known to be related to one another. In the online business analysis, “Exploring Trust vis-a-vis Reliance in Business Relationships,” reliance can be considered to be positive expectations held by organization members that the focal organization’s specific needs will be fulfilled by its exchange partner given the proven capability and exchange standards in place. Trust is operated at the interpersonal level while reliance operates at the inter-organizational level.


It is discovered in the analysis that business relationships will not survive for a long period without considering the mutual benefits between a buyer and supplier. Reliance is found to be an “important additional determinant” of a successful and continuing business relationship.


When trust and reliance are combined, they form a stable relationship. Trust exudes a personal relationship while reliance exudes an expedient relationship. When the two come together, a stable relationship is formed. 


Building Trust and Reliance, Reliance, Reliance in Business, Trust, Trust and Reliance, Trust in Business, Relationship Between Trust and Reliance, Stable Relationships with Reliance, Stable Relationships with Trust, Trust with Reliance

Why Young Employees Quit Their Jobs | Trust in Business

Why are young employees quitting their jobs? An article in the Business Inside states the reasons are that young employees believe they are not learning anything and they are not valued. The Trust Edge would say that it is because the company isn’t contributing to the growth of their employees. Young college graduates need something more than just text book knowledge of how to do things. For a company to have their employees stay within its company, it has to invest in its young workers by setting goals to help them achieve success.

Why Young Employees Quit Their Jobs


Employees, Job, Quit, The Trust Edge, Unsatisfied, Young Employees, Building Trust, Trust in Business, 

iPods, Mac Air, Mac mini, iPhones and iPads: Creations of Apple Inc. | Trusted Company of the Month

Apple Inc. has created a following of committed customers who are willing to pay more than competitors because Apple delivers fresh innovative technology again and again. From iPods, to the Mac Air, to the Mac mini, to iPhones, and iPads, Apple Inc. has created an environment where high standards of competency result in innovative usable technology. We must be highly competent and increasingly capable in the areas we want to be trusted.






Apple Inc., iPod, iPad, Mac Air, Mac Mini, iPhones, Trusted Company of the month, trusted brands, Consumer Trust, Trust in Business, Ttrust in media, Trust in Technology

World Wide Travel Inc. | Trusted Company of the Month

Few firms can say they have too many customers. Even fewer travel agencies are thriving in the current economy because of the new “book-your-travel-online” culture in which we live. Not so for Joe Kimbell, president of  Wide World of Travel, Inc. He started selling travel from his post-college basement apartment in the mid 1990s and now it has become a multimillion-dollar agency that sends hundreds of groups to the far reaches of the globe every year. How did he do it? Trust.

Kimbell created a clear niche that he is passionate about, group travel. He also sought wisdom from a great mentor. But most importantly, he built long-term relationships by consistently delivering what he promised time and time again. Making personal phone calls, taking time to listen, talk, and follow up, even when things are busy, and quickly responding to inquiries and questions are just what clients have come to expect from Kimbell. Known for high integrity, if he ever makes a mistake, he is quick to make it right. If his clients ever make a mistake, he always works hard to make it right for them-frequently at the expense of his own company. He not only builds client relationships, but he also makes friendships based on trust.

Kimbell goes out of his way to make sure his clients have the highest level of confidence in what Wide World of Travel will offer, every time. Kimbell says, “Serving the client, keeping their best interests in mind has paid dividends.” What kind of dividends? Long-term friendships, more clients than he can handle, and a fun, guilt-free life, knowing he habitually does what is right. 


World Wide Travel Inc., trusted business, Trusted Company of the month, Joe Kimbell, David Horsager, Trust in Relationships, Consumer Trust, 

The Great Wall of Trust | Trust in Business

New research on cognitive and affective trust in Chinese business was released today from Harvard Business School.

“Cognitive trust is trust from the head; it’s a very rational way of assessing ability and reliability,” says Chua. “Affective trust is trust that comes from the ‘heart.’ This type of trust involves considerable emotional investments.”


Business in China, Business Ethics, Guanxi and Trust, Harvard Business, Harvard Business School, The Trust Edge, Trust in China

Pepsi Co.: The Leader that Made Compassionate Cola | Trusted Company of the Month


Growing up in Madras, India, Indra Nooyi had always dreamed of living in the United States. It started when she came to the U.S. to earn her M.B.A. from Yale in 1978. She joined PepsiCo in 1994. In 2006 Nooyi became CEO of PepsiCo and has since led the mega brand that is in nearly 200 countries. Her legacy is that of compas­sion with an eye on the bottom line. Her motto: Performance with purpose. She shares her vision by saying, “We bring together what is good for business with what is good for the world.” How has she built the Pillar of Compassion that has changed the bottom line?

  • When Nooyi was awarded the CEO position in a race with a long-time colleague, she immediately flew out to meet the colleague and asked what she could do to keep him. She nearly matched her salary, among other things, and a great team was born.
  • Nooyi made a commitment to move away from unhealthy food and drinks. Examples in the works are high-fiber oatmeal and low-calorie Gatorade. According to Michael Useem, “By 2010, Nooyi has pledged, half of Pepsi’s US revenue will come from healthful foods.”
  • Nooyi has championed moves toward renewable energy and has campaigned against obesity.

 What has happened because of decisions made by the lady known as the “Caring CEO”? Profits have soared. And so has influence and impact of the $39 billion PepsiCo.


PepsiCo., Indra Nooyi, trusted company, Trust in Business, Consumer Trust, consistency, David Horsager, The Trust Edge     

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