The Secret to Achieving Extraordinary Results

Walt Disney once said, “Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” When it comes to customer experience and delivering results, people don’t want to buy ordinary. They want to have an amazing experience that they can rave about and share with others. So how can we deliver these results to our customers on a daily basis and move from ordinary to extraordinary?  

My friend Mark Sanborn, who I deeply respect, has just written a book that gives you the tools and strategies necessary to gaining the competitive advantage of extraordinary results—needed more than ever in this highly networked global economy. I am proud and excited to recommend Fred 2.0 by Mark Sanborn.


Check out more on Fred 2.0 by Mark Sanborn:

Huffington Post: Overcoming the 5 Barriers to Trust | The Trust Edge

The Trust Edge had its first article published in The Huffington Post Blog on March 20, 2013. The Trust Edge will now be a contributor to The Huffington Post.


DocuSign: Trusted In an Online age | Company of the Month

The online revolution has brought thousands of new helps and efficiencies to the way we work. It has drastically changed the way we do business.  In this online age, reputation moves at the speed of light. Do something wrong, and the public will know about it within minutes. Get it right, and your reputation can skyrocket within a short amount of time.

One of the most innovative technologies that have skyrocketed with in the past decade is DocuSign. This company shows that they are serious about earning the trust of their customers. As the leader in electronic signatures, DocuSign makes certain that their clients have the highest level security, while being able to easily upload and sign a document in a fast and efficient way. In an online age that is full of anonymity, DocuSign gives their clients a reason to feel at ease signing their signature. Why? Because DocuSign has proven in every area of their business that they hold onto the eight pillars of trust: clarity, compassion, character, competency, commitment, connection, contribution, and consistency.

In an online age, having the eight pillars of trust is essential. Here are some applicable ways to make sure that your online presence is trusted:

1. Be Simple and Clear.

2. Be Informative.

3. Make it easy to connect with you.

4. Show real people.

5. Be a member of credible groups and show their logo.

6. Show your history.

7. Use true client testimonials. 

8. Include a FAQ Section.

9. Respond quickly.

10. Confirm it.

11. Keep in touch.

12. Avoid too much advertising.

13. Update often.

14. Have and display a strong privacy policy.

15. Offer a generous return policy. 



DocuSign, Trust Online, Trust in Technology, Trust in a company, Building Trust, Consumer Trust

5 Ways to Build Trust Faster: Brian Halligan | The Trust Edge

CEO & Co-Founder of HubSpot, Author and Speaker, Brian Halligan shares how to quickly build trust. In a brief article Halligan shares the 5 Ways to Build Trust and keep you on top. As in The Trust Edge, Halligan emphasizes the importance of clarity, competency, contribution, character and compassion.



HubSpot, Brian Halligan, Trust Edge, Building Trust

Mistrust: Russia’s Meteor Explanation | Trust in Government

On February 15, a meteor came sputtering into earth and just happened to explode over Russia. Many Russians used this event as a means to spew ideas that were less than trustworthy. Leonid Bershidsky gives reasons why government scepticism can decrease trust and how Russia’s ”mistrust becomes an important strategic resource for social survival, success and upward mobility.”



Bloomberg, Trust in government, Russia, Skepticism, Mistrust

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