Smarter Proficiency & Precision Results | Trust Trends 2014 Series

Machines are becoming more intelligent, interactive, efficient, and precise.

Machines are becoming more intelligent, interactive, efficient, and precise. Nano-technologies are changing clothing, photonic thread is transforming computing, driverless cars are shifting the transportation paradigm, drones are altering warfare, and three-dimensional data visualization is revolutionizing decision-making. Smarter computers deliver increasingly more proficient and precise results.

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Trust in Aviation | Trust in Business


Growing up on a farm in north-central Minnesota, my family put a lot of trust in agricultural aircraft. We relied on a crop duster to spray fertilizer and pesticide and keep our kidney beans healthy and growing.  Now, as a speaker and consultant, my company relies on the aviation industry to fly me back and forth across the country to keep our promises. Many weeks, I’m in an airplane every day, and it’s easy to take for granted all of the moving parts that make it happen.

Like any business activity or relationship, the aviation industry is built on trust. But, there are few industries where the value of trust is so taken for granted when things are going well and so magnified when danger is felt. We drive up to our local hub, as a plane shoots over our roof at 200 miles per hour, type our most important personal information into a machine, hand our bags over to someone we’ve never met, routinely pass our belongings through security where we hope all passengers potential weapons are confiscated, find the gate that was printed on our ticket, sit down on our flotation device, blast off into the sky in a metal cylinder, float through lightning storms, and hurl back at the ground. Our business travel or vacation trip sounds absurd when stated like this.

We take it all for granted when everything goes smoothly, thanks to the laws of physics and trust. But, the minute our stomachs rise and fall during turbulence, we remember how much trust we have in our pilots, the airplane’s safety designs, air traffic control’s technology to communicate from the ground, and a thousand other components. Perhaps the greatest proof is the 30% demand reduction after the 9/11 attacks. Consumers responded to the breach of trust with fear and decided to drive or stay home as alternatives to their next trip.

Any industry, business, or person will experience a shock period after a major breach of trust, but it was dramatic to aviation because of the magnitude of trust’s importance for success. The industry relies heavily on steadying their consumer’s emotions, and it goes great lengths to make that happen. Just think of one repercussion of 9/11 to understand – heightened security. Aviation had to respond to the breach of trust by increasing security personnel, procedures, and technology, and now more hassle is spread out to the entire industry, including us, as passengers. Air transit is the pinnacle of the industry, but it sits on an extensive foundation of moving parts and trust relationships. Many, like me, rely on them to run their businesses, and we all entrust the stability of our economy to them.

Forbes: The Most Valuable Business Commodity: Trust | Trust in Business


We own our failures, we learn from them, and we share them publicly so that others can learn from our failings as well, which has helped us to bounce back higher than before when we fall. We don’t believe in treading water. Employees who remain in one place (physically and emotionally) will grow weary.

– David K. Williams


as trust increases, Building Trust, genuineness and trust, community of trust, Consumer Trust, Forbes, Forbes contributor

Trust Trends 2014 | Executive Brief on Trust

We’re excited to introduce our executive brief on the top 8 trends of 2014. This report is Horsager Leadership, Inc.’s first annual report on trust. Our goal is to give leaders insights into the hottest trends of the year and reveal opportunities for applying The Trust Edge 8 pillar framework in a timely manner in order to gain a competitive advantage.

Learn how to gain the ultimate competitive advantage through this year’s key opportunities by clicking on the image below. Feel free to download it as a pdf!

Rachel Botsman: The Currency of the New Economy is Trust | The Trust Edge


Rachel Botsman writes and speaks on the power of collaboration and sharing through technology and its impact on trust in the world. Over time and through small actions trust can either be built or destroyed. Through technology, information will be gathered and a dashboard is formed that will share your reputation and level of trust. In her talk Botsman shares that everyone has the power to shape their reputation, and it all starts with the bottom line of trust. 


rachel botsman ted, reputation power, trust economy, TED, Trust in Technology, trust technology, technology trust, 

DocuSign: Trusted In an Online age | Company of the Month

The online revolution has brought thousands of new helps and efficiencies to the way we work. It has drastically changed the way we do business.  In this online age, reputation moves at the speed of light. Do something wrong, and the public will know about it within minutes. Get it right, and your reputation can skyrocket within a short amount of time.

One of the most innovative technologies that have skyrocketed with in the past decade is DocuSign. This company shows that they are serious about earning the trust of their customers. As the leader in electronic signatures, DocuSign makes certain that their clients have the highest level security, while being able to easily upload and sign a document in a fast and efficient way. In an online age that is full of anonymity, DocuSign gives their clients a reason to feel at ease signing their signature. Why? Because DocuSign has proven in every area of their business that they hold onto the eight pillars of trust: clarity, compassion, character, competency, commitment, connection, contribution, and consistency.

In an online age, having the eight pillars of trust is essential. Here are some applicable ways to make sure that your online presence is trusted:

1. Be Simple and Clear.

2. Be Informative.

3. Make it easy to connect with you.

4. Show real people.

5. Be a member of credible groups and show their logo.

6. Show your history.

7. Use true client testimonials. 

8. Include a FAQ Section.

9. Respond quickly.

10. Confirm it.

11. Keep in touch.

12. Avoid too much advertising.

13. Update often.

14. Have and display a strong privacy policy.

15. Offer a generous return policy. 



DocuSign, Trust Online, Trust in Technology, Trust in a company, Building Trust, Consumer Trust

Want to Help Someone? Shut Up and Listen | Compassion

Ernesto Sirolli, Founder of the Sirolli Institute, shares with students why it is more important to listen than to give out one’s own ideas. People do not need to be patronized. Learn how to respond to people and become a servant to those you work with.

The Trust Edge gives tips for effective listening. Keep eye contact. Listen with your body. Practice patience. Empathize. Be present. Avoid answering the electornic interrupter. Hold one conversation at a time. Ernesto expands more on these effective listening tips in this video. 


Ernesto Sirolli, Sirolli Institute, Effectiveness, Effective listening, The Trust Edge, Patience

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