David Horsager Blog

There is ALWAYS A Cost To A Lack Of Trust

September 26, 2019
A lack of trust is the biggest expense you have. One of the greatest global pieces of research over the

The #1 Reason People Want To Work For An Organization

September 26, 2019
The #1 reason people want to work for an organization last year, by the way, was ahead of everything. Ahead of

connect and collaborate

September 26, 2019
The ability to connect and collaborate in the new economy, we’ve gotta get better at it. Maybe the best

The Value of Appreciation

September 26, 2019
The Value of Appreciation The Value of Appreciation. I will say this, how many of you just feel so over

Building trust by Asking How

September 26, 2019
Building trust by Asking How Working with one of the biggest healthcare organizations in North America, we’re with the,

The Power of 90 Days

September 16, 2019
First of all was before the research, I remember a mentor of mine 20 years ago said David, I want you

Why You MUST Do The Little Things Consistently

September 3, 2019
It’s Little things done consistently make the biggest difference, not the big things. If I’m overweight it’s

How to Succeed Amidst Time and Change

September 3, 2019
Atrophy is guaranteed without intentional action. Your sales are atrophying every day, your culture is atrophying every day because of

How to Increase Your Net Promoter Score

September 3, 2019
How do I increase my NPS, my Net Promoter Score? The Net Promoter Score is just a question of would

How to Have More Productive Meetings

September 3, 2019
Here is an example of David speaking to a healthcare organization about how to have more productive meetings.   One

How to Get Referred More

August 30, 2019
How to get referred more: So how do you get referred more? This is more common in business, but I’

How do you build trust with yourself?

August 29, 2019
People often ask me, “How do you build trust with yourself?” And, you know, it is really hard to build

How to Build Trust in Adversity

August 29, 2019
How should you build trust in adversity? Watch the video below to see David’s insight on the best way

How to build trust FAST

August 29, 2019
When is your greatest opportunity to build trust the fastest? Right away’s a really great opportunity, it’s number

How to build a strong reputation

August 29, 2019
How to build a strong reputation The only way to build a strong reputation is sameness, consistency, for good or
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