Earth Security takes specific actions to communicate the importance and the expectation of a trust-based environment. It is a major part of the hiring process and the performance management process. The company understands that trust happens when words and commitments are equal with actions and delivery. For them trust is not a nebulous “feeling.” It is quite simply the result of consistent, positive behaviors practiced over time and therefore completely manageable. Trust is the core of their business strategy.
Anthony Diekemper, the CEO of Earth Security said, “Trust is what we call ‘the sweet grease.’ It is our number one priority in all aspects of our business. You think trust does not affect the bottom line? Leaders who think their only job is to make money are just missing the bigger picture. As executives, we have an obligation to manage with fiscal responsibility, but the way you optimize the financial performance of the company is to have highly engaged employees. They work harder, give more of their discretionary energy, and are happier to be in your company. The foundation of engagement is always trust.”
8 pillars, Earth Security, The Trust Edge, Trust, Trust Impacts the Bottom Line, Commitment, David Horsager, Leadership, Performance Management, Trusted Company