Communication is Never the Core Issue

Some of you might say, “Well, you like C’s. “Shouldn’t communication be up there? “Isn’t that the issue ever?” Communication is never the core issue. Communication’s happening all the time.

Clear communication is trusted. Unclear communication isn’t.

Compassionate communication is trusted. Uncompassionate is not.

Consistent communication is trusted. Inconsistent communication is not.

These are the issues. You wanna solve your challenges in your business or your life, it is against these eight that are the real core issues.


Communication Is NEVER The Core Issue | David Horsager | The Trust Edge

Many people often think that they have a communication problem. But communication is NEVER the core issue. In this video, David explains why and what the real issue is.

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Can I Trust You?

Fundamentally, a lack of trust is the biggest expense we have. In fact, the number one question that every employee you have is asking, that every customer that comes in the store is asking, that every community you serve is asking, that your kids are asking. The number one question they’re all asking is: Can I trust you? And that question has to be answered before anything great happens.


The #1 Question Everyone Is Asking You | David Horsager | The Trust Edge

There is ONE question that everyone is asking you. Your employees. Your customers. Your community. Even your kids. And you have to answer that question before anything great happens. Watch as David shares what that question is.

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7 Ways to Effective Training and Development

Why does so much leadership and talent development fail? Why do people spend so much on training and not get the results they’d hoped for? I think there are at least 7 steps to having an effective training or talent development project that actually gets the results you’re hoping for.

7 Steps to Effective Training and Development

  1. Aligned with your strategy. It’s gotta enhance what you actually want to accomplish.
  2. Championed by senior leaders. If the senior leaders are not behind the training, the development, the project, people can tell and it will lose steam.
  3. Reinforced consistently. I’ve said it before, atrophy is guaranteed without intentional action. If you aren’t intentionally putting the right vitamins and the right vegetables, the right proteins, into your body, we lose, we atrophy, and it’s the same with an organization. You gotta keep putting the right things in so that the language changes, so that thoughts change, so that behavior changes. You’ve got to have a plan and a process so that it doesn’t just become flavor of the month and what you said today is gone tomorrow. You’ve gotta have a way to reinforce that thinking, that behavior, consistently.
  4. Create a safe environment. If people don’t feel safe, they don’t learn. If they feel safe, they learn.
  5. Live component. You know, people are still people. This is a human business and a human world. And with all this move toward online training and online development and online education, it works best when there’s a live component. I’m on the board of a university, and we are studying this. And what we know is, if there’s no live component, it does not stick as well.
  6. Must be actionable. You can’t stay in theory forever. I love research. We put out one of the biggest studies in our domain every single year. But you’ve gotta take that research and be able to apply it to your situation. The question we wanna ask is, “What does this mean to me now, “and what does it mean to me here?” If it’s not actionable in some way today or tomorrow, people don’t tend to start using it. So you’ve gotta simplify it down. Don’t stay up in theory. Don’t overcomplexify. Whenever we overcomplexify something beyond what is needed, we lose trust and it just doesn’t take hold.
  7. Help the organization and the individual. In last year’s study, our Trust Outlook, we found people want training. They’ll trust their organization way more if they get training and development. But, they want leadership and personal development three to one over tactical development. I need to know how to do that specific job, that specific tactile project, but people really want personal and talent development. So it has to help them personally, but it also has to help the organization. At the end of each of our modules, we are always asking, “How can we use this to drive our strategic priority, “aligned with number one, the vision?” We’re also asking, “How can this help me be better personally or as a leader?” It must affect the organization and the individual.

At the end of each of our modules, we are always asking, “How can we use this to drive our strategic priority, “aligned with number one, the vision?” We’re also asking, “How can this help me be better personally or as a leader?” It must affect the organization and the individual. Consider these seven ideas if you would like to have training, education, or development that actually works.


7 Ways To Effective Training & Development | David Horsager | The Trust Edge

Why does so much leadership and talent development fail? A lack of trust in your business. Why do so many people spend so much on training and not get the results that they hoped for? In this video, David shares 7 ways to effective training and development.

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5 Ways to Build Trust with an Audience

So how do I think about building trust with the audience? If you don’t build trust with your audience, you don’t inspire them and you certainly don’t teach them.

Five Ideas to Build Trust with an Audience

  1. Be prepared. The key to lowering stress before stage and on the stage is be prepared, but it also shows you care. We often say prepare, show you care. If you don’t prepare, think of somebody, think of a speaker that gets something says, well I didn’t have much time to work on this so I’m kind of, what does that say? You didn’t care at all about the audience, you didn’t care about my time, you didn’t care about me, I am not going to listen to you. Prepare to show you care.
  2. Create a safe environment. If you don’t create a safe environment they don’t learn and they are not going to be with you. By the way your audience feels as one however you treat any one of them individually. So I’m watching this great magician and I see him pulling a volunteer up from stage and he treats that volunteer not very well. And then I watch him lose his audience because he didn’t treat that one person well. Because however you treat one is how they all feel.
  3. Make it relevant to them. They don’t care so much about you, they care about themselves. This is why the most motivating idea is not usually from some great motivational speaker that climbed Mount Everest because your audience isn’t going to do that. The most motivating idea is one that I can use to help me today or tomorrow. Make it relevant to them. Always be asking, what this means for you is, what this means for me is, what this means for us is we can do this with this or this with that, to help us change our situation for the better.
  4. Be engaging. You know we’re competing against the best speakers in the world from TED Talks to live TV to movie trailers. It’s got to be engaging today, there’s such competition for attention spans.
  5. Make it about them. You know when I started speaking more about 20 years ago, my wife would travel with me all the time, we didn’t have kids yet, and we would be backstage and I would see this big audience and I was scared to death to go out and get on that stage and I’d have butterflies and I was worried. And Lisa my wife would say almost every time, David, just love them. They can tell when you love them. Stop thinking about yourselves, stop thinking about the research, stop thinking about this, just love them. And that’s true for every speaker that is most engaging, they actually care about their audience more. I still try to go back into that framework every time I get on the platform, just love them. They can tell, even if you’re imperfect if you love them.

    5 Ways To Build Trust With An Audience | David Horsager | The Trust Edge

    Building trust with your audience is vital in connecting and impacting them. Watch as David shares 5 ways to build trust with an audience.

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4 Simple Tips for High Trust Conversation

Trust is always increasing or decreasing even in the midst of just a casual conversation. You know when you go to a group gathering and conversations are uninteresting or almost even non-existent, it’s uncomfortable and even boring. Talking about the weather or what you had to for dinner last night only goes so far in building connection.

4 Tips to Build Trust in Conversation

Number one, be aware of who you’re talking to. In a group setting, be inclusive. If someone has not had the opportunity to share in a group, invite them in but also be aware that not everyone wants to share in a group. Whether in a group or one on one, watch for signs of discomfort. If someone does not want to engage in conversation, be courteous to who they are.

Number two, ask questions. Not how are you today or what are you doing this weekend. Instead try asking what’s something that you’re looking forward to or what have you been thinking about lately. Open-ended questions give the space for authentic responses that help connection grow.

Number three, listen to the answers. You can be awesome at asking really great questions but if you don’t listen to the answers, connection will fail and trust will decrease. Seems simple I know, but listening takes intention. Focus on the person in front of you, put the phone aside and authentically engage. Ask questions that draw out even more authentic responses.

Number four, contribute. The age old phrase be quick to listen and slow to speak still holds true and yet we should be equipped to contribute to conversation. Adding value or interesting conversation builds connection. Contributing to conversation mostly comes down to input. If you don’t have good input, you won’t have much to contribute to a conversation. Listening to podcasts, reading books, watching documentaries, mentoring others or being mentored, whatever it is, if we prioritize quality input then we can help create real connection and build trust in conversation.


4 Simple Tips For High Trust Conversation | The Trust Edge

Even in the midst of conversation, trust is increasing or decreasing. So how do you build trust in conversations? Here are 4 simple tips for high trust conversation.

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4 Ways to Tell a Story

4 Ways to Tell a Story

Number one, be there. People often ask me, how do I tell a story with freshness, especially this closing story I often tell with daughter riding a sheep, and it commonly gets a standing ovation, but I just tell them, I just go there.

I go to what it was like in that arena in that rodeo, when my daughter was riding this sheep around the rodeo, and Grandpa and Grandma were watching and the audience stood, giving an ovation, and how she had to trust herself to hold on, and I just go back to that spot.

Don’t do a whole lot of blocking, or some of these specific speaking skills. I just try to go back to the situation, put myself there, and people feel it.

Number two, be yourself. Sometimes, we worry about doing things that people teach in storytelling, and for me, certainly, it is totally authentic to use my hands and to move around, and to raise and lower my voice, and for others, it’s different, but more than anything else, other, throw the skills out, and be yourself. Be authentic. People can tell when you’re telling the story and it’s really you.

Number three, get your story transcribed by a speaking service, and then, go cut out half the words. If you had to tell the story with half the words, how would you do it? Cut out the words that aren’t really valuable to making the point. One other idea under this point is just start the story.

So many people spend so much time setting up and people get it, just get into the story. Don’t say thank you for being here, don’t say all these, just, in 1949, when the planes were flying in, just start the story.

Finally, number four don’t be the hero of your own story. In fact, it’s best to share your own mistakes, and share others’ successes.


4 Ways To Tell A Great Story | David Horsager | The Trust Edge

Telling a story is an incredibly powerful tool and can really help to connect with your audience and drive a key point home. In this video, David shares 4 ways to tell a great story.

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3 Things That Will Get You Critiqued

3 Things That Will Get You Critiqued

If you want to be critiqued for a living, you want the opposite of compassion? If you wanna be critiqued for a living, if you want that to be your role in life, give a speech, right? You’ve been critiquing me for the last 12 minutes. Oh, man, I was wishing, oh, his stories are really gonna get critiqued.

Give a Speech, Write a book or lead anything.

You’re gonna get critiqued. You’ve got to show you care about them in spite of it.


3 Things That Will Get You Critiqued | David Horsager | The Trust Edge

There are many things that will get you critiqued but how you respond is the most important. In this video, David shares the three things that will get you critiqued and how to respond to those who critique you.

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3 Daily Health Tips

Over the years, David has built routines into his life in order to stay healthy daily. Here are 3 daily health tips that David focuses on to stay healthy on the road.


People often ask me how do I try to stay healthy especially traveling so much and I’m not perfect at any of this but three ideas come to mind.

3 Daily Health Tips

1. Never Drink a Calorie: I rarely, if ever, drink a calorie. I make sure I’m drinking water, I certainly don’t drink juice. I certainly try to stay away from drinking my calories.

2. MOVE:  Try to move in a way that works for you. You know I do some crazy exercises, I walk on treadmills with weights in this way that I learned to do it that’s kinda crazy, but one of my good friends, Rory Vaden, for the last four years, every single day, whether he’s sick, not sick, hardly got any sleep with his newborn baby, whether it’s Christmas Day, every single day, every day for four years he’s broke a sweat. Some days he says it’s 12 minutes, I’m often just going for 12 minutes, but every day he does something that makes him break a sweat. Whether it’s in the health center or in the hotel room, whether it’s pushups and sit ups or it’s getting on the elliptical, try to move a little bit more.

3. Greet Everyone:This isn’t about being an extrovert or introvert, but one of the most interesting new studies about longevity, long life, ahead of tobacco usage, drinking too much, the number one metric for long life was connecting with the regular people you’re around every day. So I try to make a habit of with the flight attendant, saying hello, to my seat mate, saying hello. Not cheesy, not weird, like I’m gonna talk the whole flight because I don’t necessarily wanna talk the whole flight either, but greeting people, saying hello to people, connecting with people, especially those you see every day. Three little ideas. Don’t drink a calorie, move every day, and connect with everyone, at least greet them every day.

3 Daily Health Tips | David Horsager | The Trust Edge

People often ask David what he does to try to stay healthy while travelling so much. In this video, David shares 3 daily health tips that he uses to stay healthy and fit.

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2 Ways to Build a Culture of Trust

Two ideas on how you can build a culture of trust. It can be difficult to build a culture of trust. Trust must be the foundational piece of building a strong, lasting culture.

2 Ways to Build a Culture of Trust

Number one, you gotta be clear about what a high-trust culture looks like, here. You gotta be clear about the why. Why do we want this kind of culture? We know high-trust cultures, lead to the highest performance but what does that look like here? What are the components, specifically?

Number two, you gotta consistently systemize that kinda culture. We know atrophy is guaranteed without intentional action. In my body, it stops losing performance if I’m not putting the right protein, the right vegetables, the right amount of water in, if I’m not exercising, if I’m not putting in the right vitamins and that’s the same with your culture.

You gotta consistently put the right things in and you gotta systemize that, so you’re not only putting the right things in but you’re systemizing toward high-performing cultures by, as an example, asking the right questions. Every quarter, every year, are we creeping away from the culture we want?

You know, even Enron had a beautiful mission statement, beautiful value statement, but they creeped away from the very culture they wanted, so, number one, be clear. Number two, be consistent and systemize that consistency. Those two will take you long way in having a high-trust, consistent culture.

2 Ways To Build A Culture Of Trust | David Horsager | The Trust Edge

Building a culture is always a difficult challenge. In this video, David gives 2 ideas on how you can build a culture of trust. How have you found success in building a culture of trust in your company, team, or life?

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2 Truths From the Farm

Watch this video to learn 2 truths from the farm from David’s childhood. You can learn many skills on a farm but it can also teach many life lessons. Here are Davids two truths from the farm.

People often ask me what I learned from the farm as far as as all this trust stuff, and you know, I think of two truths from the farm. One, healthy things grow, and sick things die. And this is just a truth I grew up with. Healthy cows grow; sick ones die. Healthy churches grow; sick ones become divided.

Healthy marriages grow; sick ones become divorced. Healthy relationships divide, healthy organizations divide. Healthy things tend to grow in some way, financially, reach, impact, in some way, and so this is why it’s so important to create a healthy culture in an organization.

The other thing we say on the farm is you’ve gotta do the work, you know? That pile of stuff doesn’t just shovel itself. Those corn tassels just don’t fly themselves away. You gotta do the work. You gotta hoe the garden. You gotta fertilize, you gotta cultivate, you gotta do the work. It doesn’t happen on its own, but to bear fruit, you gotta do the work. And this thing these days of oh, I just wanna have a fit body in 21 days, and be rich in 21 days, and do this fast, and that fast you can have it, kind of a quick, motivational talk, and that might be nice, but to be trusted by being trustworthy takes doing the work.

2 Truths From The Farm | David Horsager | The Trust Edge

Farming can teach you many skills, but it can also teach you many life lessons. Watch as David shares two truths he learned while growing up on his family farm.

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