Army Rangers’ Insight: Listen & Learn | Trust in Leadership

Watch Army Ranger Stanley McChrystal offer insight into leadership. He discusses listening, learning, the rapid shift of his teams demographics, and changes in technology.

My favorite quote is “A leader isn’t good because they are right. They are good because they are willing to learn and to trust.”

Trust, now more than ever, is foundational to effective leadership. Take a minute and think about the people that you lead. Do you really know what makes them tick? Do they trust you? Do they feel connected to a team that has a shared purpose?


Army Rangers, David Horsager, Learn, Listen, Trust, Trust in Business, Trust in Leadership, Reading

“Delhi Belly” | The Trust Edge

Input always leads to output.  What you put in comes out in some way whether it is effort, thoughts, or impure water.  The last few days of my India trip were not fun as I ate or drank the wrong thing—and the output was ugly. Basic Psychology says that our thoughts become our desires, which become our actions.  An ancient Proverbs says, “As a man thinks so is he.” That is why what we think about is so important. To a large degree we become our thoughts. Fill your mind with great ideas, thoughts, news, podcasts, and books.

Consider one new input you will put into your mind over the next months that can change outcomes.

Basic Psychology, David Horsager, Trust, Trust in Business, Trust in Leadership, India, Delhi

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