Ep. 68: Joel Block on Why Cryptocurrency Is The Future Of Money

In this episode, David sits down with Joel Block, Futurist, Longtime Venture Capitalist, and Hedge Fund Manager, to discuss his new Disruptive Business Trends Report for 2022 and why cryptocurrency is the future of money.

Buy David’s NEWEST Book “Trusted Leader”: https://amzn.to/3luyqf1

Joel’s Bio:
Joel’s a longtime venture capitalist and hedge fund manager who lives in a Shark Tank world. His keynotes expose Wall Street insights to business leaders. He gives the Inside Track on high-velocity innovation for better, faster, and smarter profits. He empowers business executives and their teams to “Disrupt Their Competitors’ Future”.

Much younger Joel first entered investing by parlaying his experience at the blackjack tables into the high-stakes world of venture capital and hedge funds. After raising $10 million for a publishing startup, he operated it for several years before selling to a Fortune 500 company in 1995.

As a hedge fund executive, Joel has been involved in acquiring, capitalizing, financing, or advising numerous entrepreneurial, venture, film, and real estate projects and companies aggregately valued at close to $1 billion dollars. He has fine-tuned his ability to look into the future and identify trends. Fortified by the power strategies he acquired as a professional investor, Joel, his teams, and his clients tackle the future with strength and optimism few others can muster.

Joel’s Links:
Download Joel’s FREE Disruptive Business Trends Report for 2022: text “trend” to 72000
Website: https://joelblock.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joelblock
Facebook Personal: https://www.facebook.com/joelblock
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joelgblock/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoelBlock
YouTube: http://bit.ly/Joel-on-YouTube
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joel_G._Block

Key Quotes:
1. “Cryptocurrency is on the way to being something that is extremely dramatic.”
2. “Blockchain is about the highest quality technology we have for recording things in a permanent way.”
3. “It’s important to be forward thinking.”
4. “We need alternative ideas.”
5. “We’re increasingly dependent on computers.”
6. “We have to protect against our weak links.”
7. “If your company is not using intent based data you’re at a substantial disadvantage.”
8. “There’s a new generation of things happening.”
9. “We need to look forward because that’s where our future is.”

Links Mentioned In The Episode:
Download Joel’s FREE Disruptive Business Trends Report for 2022: text “trend” to 72000
SEM Rush: https://www.semrush.com/

Buy David’s NEWEST Book “Trusted Leader”: https://amzn.to/3luyqf1

David’s Links:
Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/36AXtp9
Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/2S9O6mj
Follow David on Twitter: https://bit.ly/2BEXgla
Follow David on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2Xbsg5q
Follow David on Instagram: https://bit.ly/2QDFOE5

Show Transcript

[david_horsager]: Welcome to the Trusted Leader Show. it’s David Horsesgger, I rarely ask a 

[david_horsager]: guest back, but his new report is out. It’s called navigating disruptive 

[david_horsager]: business trends for twenty twenty two. It’s got some brilliant mind bending 

[david_horsager]: thoughts and ideas in it. His name is Joel Block, Joel Thinkk for being 

[david_horsager]: here, 

[joel_block]: David thinks Have me back. it’s a privilege. 

[david_horsager]: Joel is uh, yeah, you. I just give everybody en case you didn’t hear the 

[david_horsager]: last episode. Joel is a futurist, He’s a long time venture capitalist. He’s 

[david_horsager]: a hedge fund manager, He’s a professional investor. He, you know, he, he 

[david_horsager]: sold his publishing company to a fortune five hundred company. He’s even an 

[david_horsager]: a expert blackjack player. But we’re going to get to some some uh, 

[david_horsager]: interesting, uh thoughts and ideas. We happen to be in a pretty little uh, 

[david_horsager]: cool group together, and every time I sit next to him I get smarter so Joel, 

[david_horsager]: uh, once again super grateful to have you on and sear on the your new 

[david_horsager]: insights with our our trusted leader group. 

[joel_block]: awesome, willll, listen and fire away when whatever you want to discuss, I’m 

[joel_block]: here to make it happen. 

[david_horsager]: Well, I, I want to take a look at this. So, and and we’re going to give 

[david_horsager]: everybody? Uh, in a few moments access to this trend report navigating 

[david_horsager]: disruptive business trends for twenty twenty. But you know we talk about 

[david_horsager]: trust. we deal and trust. A whole lot of this has overlap. And really, it’s 

[david_horsager]: really interesting around trust. but I want to jump into that first one. Um, 

[david_horsager]: number one. If we, when we just get into all these trends, they’re very 

[david_horsager]: interesting. One of them’s cryptical currency is the future of money. Just a 

[david_horsager]: quick overview. We’ve been talking about this for a while. People are going 

[david_horsager]: to have to shift how they think about the future of trust. In fact, trust 

[david_horsager]: can go up with things like block chain and so forth when some people think. 

[david_horsager]: Yeah, but there’s less trust because of technology because of Cber security 

[david_horsager]: issues. Um, you know, trust can go up. Trust can go down with technology. 

[david_horsager]: But tell us, tell us what you learned and what what you’re sharing about 

[david_horsager]: this. Uh, this first idea I saw on the trend report, 

[joel_block]: Yeah, well, first of all, you know, I circulate with Wall, three people. I’m in 

[joel_block]: a Wall Street business, And so this is just kind of what I hear down the halls 

[joel_block]: of the places where I go, and I bring this back to Uh, my clients, friends of 

[joel_block]: our firm, friends of uh, friends like yours, David. And you know, it’s clear and 

[joel_block]: obvious to me that crypto currency, which I’m very bullish on crypto currency. 

[joel_block]: Although the markets are very much down now it’s a very speculative market. It’s 

[joel_block]: a very new market. Um. but it’s on the way to being something that is extremely 

[joel_block]: dramatic. The breakthrough in bitcoin. Well, people don’t understand and first, 

[joel_block]: let me tell you that a crypto currency and bitcoint are not the same. Bitcoin is 

[joel_block]: one coin and there are about sixteen thousand different coins that are out 

[joel_block]: there, so you only maybe heard a one or two. But there are lots and lots of 

[joel_block]: ones. And what these little things are? They’re really software tools and these 

[joel_block]: little software tools. Each one’s designed to do a different job, so some of 

[joel_block]: them are really good at protecting art. Some are really great for uh sports, or 

[joel_block]: some are great for gaming, or some are great for doing transactions. So there’s 

[joel_block]: all different kinds of tools that have been built, and they’re built on this 

[joel_block]: block chain, and the block chain is about the highest quality technology we have 

[joel_block]: for recording things in a permanent way. It’s like a King Siz Excel spreadsheet 

[joel_block]: that just is really secure with notaries that are locking down every cell every 

[joel_block]: minute You know. it’s It’s a really big deal. 

[david_horsager]: This is really hard. By the way, for people to understand fact, we’ll try to 

[david_horsager]: get a. There’s a couple of videos online. If you really haven’t studied 

[david_horsager]: studyied Blochta or Crypto currency can can put them in show notes. Because 

[david_horsager]: its we people have to get their mind around these things and then they 

[david_horsager]: better do it fast because it’s here to stay. as you say. I got to just tell 

[david_horsager]: you, Joel, my now seventeen year old, uh, he started mining ethium three 

[david_horsager]: years ago, Uh, on our computer, 

[david_horsager]: one of our computers at home, but uh yeah, so so tell us more. 

[joel_block]: Well so you know, So this I, I’m not a technical person, I mean, so I don’t mean 

[joel_block]: to, you know, Use a lot of fancy language because it’s not. I’m doing my best 

[joel_block]: not to use fancy language, but the bottom line is that the technology has gotten 

[joel_block]: to the point where the machinery is trust stable by human beings to resolve 

[joel_block]: certain kinds of situations. In fact, it’s more trustable than people are in. in 

[joel_block]: many cases, because it follows a very specific set of rules. 

[joel_block]: And and so, uh, the United States government has been dragging its feet. It 

[joel_block]: really doesn’t want to do it. In fact, uh, you know, one of the things that’s 

[joel_block]: amazing about this is that uh, credit card companies are are worried that 

[joel_block]: they’re going to get blown out of the water. as are the the financial and the 

[joel_block]: investment banks. the big Wall Street firms. All these companies are worried 

[joel_block]: they’re going to be blown out of the water, and consequently all of those firms 

[joel_block]: are the ones that are making giant investments in crypto currency because it’s 

[joel_block]: the way they’re protecting themselves, So you kinda could watch the pattern that 

[joel_block]: the travel agents got blown up in the nineties When the Internet came on. These 

[joel_block]: guys are next. the Uh, the Wall Street guys. They’re next, And so they’re 

[joel_block]: They’re really working hard and the United States government is dragging its 

[joel_block]: feet. It really doesn’t want to move on to this currency because it doesn’t 

[joel_block]: understand it. It’s having a hard time with it. but the longer the short is, uh, 

[david_horsager]: Mhm, y, 

[joel_block]: whether we like it or not, the next fifteen or so years. Uh, I believe we’re 

[joel_block]: goingnna be using crypto currency. We’re not going to be using dollar bills 

[joel_block]: anymore, And the reason is our trading partners are going to force us into it. 

[joel_block]: Other countries internationally are way ahead of us. Listen, we took the lead. 

[joel_block]: We are the lead company or the lead country. When it came to the Internet. We’re 

[joel_block]: not taking the lead on this other countries are, and we’re going to be dragged 

[david_horsager]: Mhm, 

[joel_block]: into it whether we like it 

[david_horsager]: absolutely 

[joel_block]: or not. So it’s It’s a real thing, and uh, it says a lot about how fullward’ 

[joel_block]: looking you are and uh, it’s important to to be forward looking and it’s an 

[joel_block]: important to be modern for companies. Uh, because I, I would say that you know 

[joel_block]: people who are modern and kind of up to speed are probably, uh, you know, 

[joel_block]: trusted at least by some sector of the society who believe that those kind of 

[david_horsager]: mhm’. a big trend. People need to get used to it, and and figure it out and 

[joel_block]: people are you know, are here to stay 

[david_horsager]: understand it, and both Crypto and Black Chain is going to massively change 

[david_horsager]: our world over the next five years. I think, in fact, we’re going to see a 

[david_horsager]: lot of banks go out of banking and business, I wouldn’t. You say 

[joel_block]: well. Think, think about this. You know children. like your, your seventeen year 

[joel_block]: old, My kids are in their late twenties, and you know, and and so forth, And you 

[joel_block]: know they don’t really see themselves going in banks. They don’t really 

[joel_block]: understand what a bank has to offer them. I mean they can go online and they can 

[joel_block]: do the things they need to. Uh. The crypto currency world has tools that allow 

[joel_block]: for borrowing for securing for mortgaging, and for all the different things that 

[joel_block]: we need to do. People just don’t see the relevance of banks and banks are really 

[david_horsager]: Mhm, y, 

[joel_block]: struggling with this. I mean this is a really big problem, and as young people 

[joel_block]: kind of become more important in our society and make important decisions and 

[joel_block]: can start controlling money. Uh, these institutions that have been around for a 

[joel_block]: long time are really at risk and they’re not doing a good job of being 

[joel_block]: forward looking. 

[david_horsager]: Mhm. let’s take a look at a couple more, and once again, Uh Kent will put it 

[david_horsager]: right in the show. Dont you see it on the show? Notes below here, Trust 

[david_horsager]: Leader show dot com. There is you can text trend to seven, two, ▁zero, ▁zero 

[david_horsager]: ▁zero, Or you can see that there is a ▁qr code. Just take a snapshot and you 

[david_horsager]: can get the full trend report, But Uh, let’s get a little more inside scoop 

[david_horsager]: on it. I think Under the human Capital portion you put this, the big dog in 

[david_horsager]: human capital is holism. What does that mean for us? 

[joel_block]: you know, uh, I, I look at this. I look at the world, and I think to myself, you 

[joel_block]: know, Uh, in the early nineteen hundreds, Uh, up to Sinclair wrote the jungle, 

[joel_block]: uh, a, about the meat paacking industry and how people were losing fingers and 

[joel_block]: toes and all these terrible things were happening, And uh, you know laws started 

[joel_block]: being passed and rules start being made about taking better care of workers. Uh, 

[joel_block]: so you know, we pretty much have resolved the uh, the the danger situation you 

[joel_block]: know of of things happening to workers. but now, uh, we’re way past that and 

[joel_block]: we’re kind of in a place now where uh, it’s not just about fingers and toes, 

[joel_block]: it’s about the totality of the person. The whole person and the whole person 

[joel_block]: means their mental state. It means well being, uh, you know, we, we, uh, like 

[joel_block]: people of color. We like people are different genders, people of different 

[joel_block]: religions, people that have different opinions about whatever those things are 

[joel_block]: about themselves and other things, and we’re sort of learning to embrace 

[joel_block]: difference, for sort of learning to embrace. Uh, just the world in a different 

[david_horsager]: Let me just pause for a second, Joel. on that. on that notion, because I 

[joel_block]: way than we might have a long time ago. 

[david_horsager]: think you’re right, but I’ll just say, but really quickly because on one 

[david_horsager]: hand we’re willing to embrace uh, people of differences, And and we’re 

[david_horsager]: looking at, you know, a lot of businesses are trying to look at equity and 

[david_horsager]: whole person and mental health issues and all these things. And yet we might 

[david_horsager]: have the more uh, most kind of polar, uh, divided uh nation we’ve ever had 

[david_horsager]: with people unable to see the other’s point of view. And and you have this 

[david_horsager]: kind of weird Di of people are unwilling to look at another person’s point 

[david_horsager]: of view. And and yet we’re trying to make a space that is psychologically 

[david_horsager]: safe and safe. other ways, in other ways, for all people. How, how do you 

[david_horsager]: kind of blend those 

[joel_block]: I. I, I would. I would explain that, in two ways, first politicians, politicians 

[joel_block]: make money. When we don’t get along, they, they retain power by keeping us 

[joel_block]: divided. If we all got along, we wouldn’t need them very much. The second thing 

[joel_block]: is the media. the media makes money. you know, but you know, if it bleeds, it 

[joel_block]: leads and that’s just the way it works in the media position. You know, I sold 

[joel_block]: my publish. come to a media company, so I understand the media business quite 

[joel_block]: well, Uh, we. They don’t lead the news with a boy scout. Walk a lady across the 

[joel_block]: street, you know old ladies don’t get walked across the street. You know they 

[joel_block]: don’t do things about girl scouts delivering 

[david_horsager]: right? 

[joel_block]: cookies. I, you know, that’s just not what people 

[david_horsager]: Sure, 

[joel_block]: see in Los Angeles where I am. You know, it’s shootings and car crashes and 

[joel_block]: chases and homeless 

[david_horsager]: Mhm, 

[joel_block]: attacks. And I mean it’s it’s horrible. It’s just horrible. Um, but then you 

[joel_block]: know, then you have a hurricane in in Houston, A couple of years A, and people 

[joel_block]: of all colors, media and politicians aside, came together. they helped each 

[joel_block]: other, they work together. They cleaned up the problems that they had, and they 

[joel_block]: made their city better, 

[joel_block]: And and I think that we have some some forces at work. That really have a vested 

[joel_block]: interest. a hidden agenda to keep us from really getting along, I think left to 

[joel_block]: our own devices, most of us would get along pretty well. 

[david_horsager]: tell me this. Give me one idea before I jump to another trend Under the 

[david_horsager]: holism idea that Ceo should think about. That’s going to matter over the 

[david_horsager]: next decade. as far as holism is concerned. 

[joel_block]: You know, the one thing that I keep hearing that I, I really like. I like this 

[joel_block]: concept of psychological safety. It’s not a real sexy concept, but I’ll tell you 

[joel_block]: this, Um, 

[joel_block]: we need alternative ideas because a lot of times c e os live in an echo chamber 

[joel_block]: and the only way you get out of that echo chamber is inviting people into the 

[joel_block]: you know to the table and inviting people’s ideas. And if you chastize those 

[joel_block]: people, you embarrass those people. If you harass those people, they’re not 

[joel_block]: going to step forward and give you their ideas. Some ideas are going to be 

[joel_block]: ridiculous. Maybe they don’t thoroughly understand the situation, but don’t 

[joel_block]: laugh at people. Continue to encourage their great ideas because you never know 

[joel_block]: which one of those ideas. remember. I come from the venture capital world, and 

[joel_block]: some of the craziest ideas are the ones that make the most money. Some of the 

[joel_block]: ideas that people laugh at the hearest are the ones that make billionaires and 

[joel_block]: companies need to remember that if you chastize your people, If you don’t create 

[joel_block]: an environment where they feel safe, comfortable and and welcome, then they’re 

[joel_block]: just not going to participate. 

[david_horsager]: No, no doubt, in fact, we equate psychological safety. Trust. If you don’t 

[david_horsager]: cre environment, people can’t be their best, and of course creativity 

[david_horsager]: innovation tas dramatically, because they’ unwiing to shareresh different 

[david_horsager]: ideas. Let’s look at this. I think there’ so much here and I wish we had 

[david_horsager]: time for more of it, but I want to look at, especially number twelve, 

[david_horsager]: thirteen and fourteen in Thed, at least touching on them and the future on 

[david_horsager]: steroids. Tell me about what you’re thinking because I think this has 

[david_horsager]: something to do when I was uh reading the report about cyber issues and 

[david_horsager]: trust, and you know that that kind of thing. So this is a big risk when we 

[david_horsager]: talk, A boards of directors or Oro’s a big. 

[david_horsager]: A big worry of senior leaders is uh, losing trust because of the risk of 

[david_horsager]: cyber security issues. 

[joel_block]: Yeah, this, this has a lot to do with the weak link, And you know we live in a 

[joel_block]: world where we’re increasingly dependent on computers. We’re increasingly 

[joel_block]: dependent on Uh on on things that are kind of outside of our knowledge base or 

[joel_block]: our control. and we’re sort of dependent on other people to make that happen. 

[joel_block]: And and bad guys kind of understand this, And so what bad guys are able to do is 

[joel_block]: uh is call uh, people inside of our organizations, ask them questions, learn 

[joel_block]: about us. Sneak around. A lot of this information’s already on social media and 

[joel_block]: they’re able to break in our networks in the most surprising of ways and believe 

[joel_block]: it or not, most of it’s not hacking. Most of it’s not computer generated. Most 

[joel_block]: of it is, They get somebody on the phone and they ask them some questions. They 

[joel_block]: pretend to be a a trustable person and it turns out that they’re a bad guy and 

[joel_block]: they get all this information and they end up uh doing something that’s terrible 

[joel_block]: And the the whole concept of Uh of passwords and the way things work is all 

[joel_block]: advancing in order for crypto currency to to get where it’s gotten. it had to 

[joel_block]: have developed incredibly powerful tools that are, the rest of us are just 

[joel_block]: starting to get access to. And and so these very powerful tools are out there. 

[joel_block]: Uh, start looking for them and we’re talking about things like biometrics. Uh, 

[joel_block]: voice pattern recognition. you know, looking at your eyeball and all different 

[joel_block]: kinds of things. I mean that’s not without some concern. I’m a little concerned 

[joel_block]: that what happens if I have uh, a biometric type of thing, And and something 

[joel_block]: happens to me and I’m not available how my kids can access my accounts? I, I 

[joel_block]: don’t know how that works. Uh, so that’s not to say that it are some problems, 

[joel_block]: but the bottom line is that as more and more dependence starts to kind of build 

[joel_block]: in these areas of Uh, digital activity, we need better security. and and we sort 

[joel_block]: of have to protect against our weak links because people are well meaning. Not 

[joel_block]: everybody realizes Uh that there are bad guys 

[david_horsager]: Mhm. 

[joel_block]: out there in the world and we have to do our best to protect around that. 

[david_horsager]: Well on my phone right now. I. I look at it and it unlocks and of course, 

[david_horsager]: uh, it just seem you know so many people even worry about the 

[david_horsager]: acces of of that apple Hasz, or others. Have just two you know were allowing 

[david_horsager]: so many pictures now, and so much 

[david_horsager]: many different ways of of recognition. Any any quick thoughts on that, 

[joel_block]: Yeah, well, listen, you know. The bottom line is we trust these companies and 

[joel_block]: these companies are collections of tens or hundreds of thousands of people. 

[joel_block]: And and then how good of a job have they done of locking down our stuff? 

[joel_block]: Probably not as great a job as as we 

[david_horsager]: Mhm? Mhm, 

[joel_block]: wish they would. 

[joel_block]: And and that’s just you know, it’s we we have. Uh, Some things are are 

[joel_block]: violations of trust directly, and some things are sort of indirect word. I 

[joel_block]: didn’t mean for it to happen, but it 

[david_horsager]: Mhm, 

[joel_block]: just did because we didn’t do a great job of lock at something down. You would 

[joel_block]: think that these computer companies would be the best at lock and stuff down. 

[joel_block]: but they’re not. They’re not really uh, as good as we would expect them to be. 

[david_horsager]: Well be partly because it’s so costly. it’s costly to be perfectly secure. 

[david_horsager]: and until something happens, some people don’t think about it much. right. 

[joel_block]: Well, let me tell you that that that’s a giant violation of trust if they don’t 

[joel_block]: if they don’t secure themselves as much as they can because they don’t want to 

[joel_block]: spend the money. Then that’s to me, that’s a real breach, and that that you 

[joel_block]: know, I mean, I get the I get, the Dion and the problem. But it’s it’s a real 

[joel_block]: problem. There’s certain kinds of companies that we expect to have a really high 

[joel_block]: level of trust and security and the other stuff. And if they don’t pro provide 

[joel_block]: it to us. it’s a breach. 

[david_horsager]: What was the most surprising? you know, As you looked at this and you paused 

[david_horsager]: and thought about it, And what was the most surprising trend you think to 

[david_horsager]: you and the most people? 

[joel_block]: I, I’ll tell you, believe it or not, the most stunning one to me, Uh number 

[joel_block]: fifteen, fish finders and power tools. This is truly one of my favorite deal. 

[joel_block]: It. It’s when when I, when I came across this, when when I was having a 

[joel_block]: conversation with somebody about this, and it, actually a guy came on my podcast 

[joel_block]: and was sharing this concept And it’s like hit me like a ton of bricks. What he 

[joel_block]: was saying is you know when when professional fishermen go out to the ocean to 

[joel_block]: the lake and they, you know, they don’ll just put a hook in the water and sit 

[joel_block]: there and smoke a cigar and wait for something to happen. I mean they go out 

[joel_block]: there with sonar, they look for for schools of fish, and then when they find one 

[joel_block]: they put the net out and they scoop up all what they can get, And that’s what 

[joel_block]: businesses have the capability of doing now online using the tools of the 

[joel_block]: internet. Uh, there are incredible tools and they’re called intent based tools, 

[joel_block]: and there are tons of these tools. So for example, every time you do a search in 

[joel_block]: Google, 

[joel_block]: if you say looking for a new car 

[joel_block]: five seconds later, you’re going to get an ad 

[david_horsager]: Mhm, 

[joel_block]: for a new car. Y. Okay, We all 

[david_horsager]: Yep, 

[joel_block]: seen that and that’s that’s one application. So we seen that, But they also take 

[joel_block]: that same information and they might sell it to the car company, and then a a 

[joel_block]: representative from the car company can call you and say a Mr. Horsesacker, I 

[joel_block]: see you’re looking for a new car and you’re going. That’s kind of creepy. but 

[joel_block]: you know we’re kind of getting used to it because that’s just the world we live 

[joel_block]: in. I see you’re looking for a new car, or even maybe a better example would be. 

[joel_block]: Are you looking for a new house? When you come to our area? Why don’t we meet 

[joel_block]: and and I’ll show you around, Because you’re going. Wow, this guy called. I’m 

[joel_block]: not going to call fifty other people. This is a pretty good one, and I’ll just 

[joel_block]: work 

[david_horsager]: Mhm, 

[joel_block]: with this one guy. So, in this intent based data, if your company’s not using 

[joel_block]: intent based data, if you’re a fisherman and you’re not using a fish finder Uh, 

[joel_block]: you’re at a substantial disadvantage and you know how can you possibly expect to 

[joel_block]: compete? Uh, And these are tools that are really designed for midm companies and 

[joel_block]: larger companies, ’cause they’re a little bit expensive. And so you have to you 

[joel_block]: know, provide these tools to your sales force, so that they have the dvantages 

[joel_block]: and they have the uh ability to compete properly with the with the other people 

[david_horsager]: is there 

[joel_block]: in your marketplace, Because if you’re not using them there, those other 

[david_horsager]: is? Is there an example of one that you you see smaller companies using or 

[joel_block]: companies are. 

[david_horsager]: would recommend 

[joel_block]: Yeah, yeah, they. it’s just a a fantastic one. Uh, and I learned about this from 

[joel_block]: one of our colleagues. Uh, that, uh that you know, Um, there’s a. There’s a 

[joel_block]: product called S, C, M Rush, 

[david_horsager]: Mhm, 

[joel_block]: and S C M rush. Uh, they collect all the data that the the Google gets. So when 

[joel_block]: somebody asked a question on Google like, Uh, what’s the best way to? uh, you 

[joel_block]: know, hire a new C. E. O. Let’s just say Well, that phrase is a phrase that 

[joel_block]: people type in and they said and then then they give you account. It was. Uh. It 

[joel_block]: was ▁queried seventy two times last month. Well, if you could write and make a 

[joel_block]: video, or if you could write a paper, or you could do something and use that 

[joel_block]: exact phrase. What’s the best way to find a new C. E, O? And then people ask 

[joel_block]: that question. You’re going to come up right at the top. This is way better than 

[joel_block]: a s. c O. Because this is a dead perfect bulls eye of the question that 

[joel_block]: somebody’s going to ask. Now. I didn’t think of the question. S. C. M. Rush gave 

[joel_block]: me the questions that people ask about the topics that I’m interested in, So you 

[joel_block]: do research on what questions are people asking about these topics. That’s a 

[joel_block]: perfect way of finding the seventy two people that last month exactly asked the 

[joel_block]: same question as me. 

[david_horsager]: Mhm, Mhm, Mhm, That you want. 

[joel_block]: And you know if you want to market to those people, they there they are. And so 

[joel_block]: it’s uh, it’s a perfect situation. 

[david_horsager]: Give us some insight and web three point o, 

[joel_block]: you know. Um, this is just you know. here. Here’s cryptal currency is a good 

[joel_block]: example of web three point of it, But here’s the bottom line is that the first 

[joel_block]: generation of the Internet was pretty much uh, just a bunch of Um. brochures. 

[joel_block]: Websites were like little brochures. Everything was just a brochure that you 

[joel_block]: would look at. It didn’t really do anything Web. Two point o is like the whole 

[joel_block]: social media thing, The interactive thing. It’s the database building. It’s all 

[joel_block]: the stuff that happens. Uh, you know, that allows us to kind of post and 

[joel_block]: interact together Web three point hours at a whole Ne level. That’s this whole 

[joel_block]: metavererse. It’s the whole thing where the computer sort of starts to blend 

[joel_block]: with our life in a whole new way, and I, I just I bring it up because I want 

[joel_block]: people to be aware that there’s a new generation of things happening. The whole 

[joel_block]: concept of these n f Ts. these nonfgable tokens, which are crypto currencies 

[joel_block]: that secure intellectual property for people that are in those businesses, are 

[joel_block]: that secure artwork. Um, these things are all coming to life using new 

[joel_block]: technologies and that’s all being called Web, three 

[david_horsager]: Mhm. 

[joel_block]: point O. So there’s a whole new generation of things happening. Um, and I bring 

[joel_block]: these things up because you know for people who are either investors or business 

[joel_block]: owners or people who are out there making decisions, And remember that I’m a 

[joel_block]: professional investor. I mean I run a hedge, Fun, people give me money that I go 

[joel_block]: buy things with it. So my job is to look forward in time and find things to buy, 

[joel_block]: and I use these trends to think about the kinds of things that I’m looking for 

[joel_block]: going forward in time. So, if you’re looking at websites, make sure you’re 

[joel_block]: thinking about new generational techniques. Make sure you’re thinking about 

[joel_block]: digital currency. Make sure you’re thinking about uh, your people in the right 

[joel_block]: way as you’re going forward in time. Don’t think about these things in an old 

[joel_block]: fashioned way. think about it. think of them in a newer, more modern way 

[david_horsager]: Well, there is a whole lot more here. Everybody can look at the show notes. 

[david_horsager]: You see the ▁qr code. You see, you can text trend to seventy two thousand, 

[david_horsager]: And and find out more It’s a fascinating read and it’s just some fascinating 

[david_horsager]: content. 

[david_horsager]: Your mind is brilliant to block, and Um, just to give everybody a little 

[david_horsager]: heads up on the five major areas, He’s talking under financial capital. Five 

[david_horsager]: trends there, human capital, fours there, intellectual capital, invisible 

[david_horsager]: capital, Sas, and marketing capital, and then a bonus. One number six is 

[david_horsager]: actually aspirational capital, So take a look at those trends. There is uh, 

[david_horsager]: so much more we could talk about Joel. I’m looking forward to seeing you. 

[david_horsager]: We’re speaking at the same event here, coming up very soon and that’ll be 

[david_horsager]: fun to be on the platform 

[joel_block]: We are. we are. 

[david_horsager]: together. Any final thought or final, Uh, maybe the aspirational trend, uh, 

[david_horsager]: something we should be thinking about one last bullet, 

[joel_block]: you know what the uh, the aspirational one really is about? You know, I, I will 

[joel_block]: hope that people would be more uh, critical thinkers. You know the world is so 

[joel_block]: complicated that we just take the first, the first idea we hear, we take the 

[joel_block]: first news report we read or listen to, and we just take 

[david_horsager]: Hm, 

[joel_block]: it at face value. Unfortunately, ninety nine percent of what we get fed is not 

[joel_block]: bonified news. you know, like the major news stations, they’re pretty good. 

[joel_block]: they’re pretty accurate. They may be a little one sided, but they’re mostly 

[joel_block]: accurate. Most everything else on the internet. Everywhere else is commentary. 

[joel_block]: What you and I do is commentary. We’re not reporters per se. And and so I, I 

[joel_block]: just hope that people could be a little bit more critical in the way that they 

[david_horsager]: Mhm. 

[joel_block]: think, 

[joel_block]: and and really make good decisions for what makes sense for themselves, their 

[joel_block]: families, their communities, And uh, and I always, uh, you know, just like to 

[joel_block]: say that, Uh, you know we need to look forward because that’s where our future 

[joel_block]: is. 

[david_horsager]: I love it. look forward, cause that’s where ours. I have to give a ▁quote. 

[david_horsager]: from my brother, who I admire eleven years older than me an economist, but 

[david_horsager]: I’ll never forget when he said, I think he wrote this too, but we’re in a 

[david_horsager]: more critical world than we’ve ever been in, without the ability to 

[david_horsager]: critically think 

[david_horsager]: so that that that there’s some truth that we have to be better at being. Not 

[david_horsager]: so just uh, divisively critical. but we have to be better critical thinkers. 

[david_horsager]: Well, the future is ahead, so we have to look at the future. Thanks for 

[david_horsager]: taking us their Joel and thanks for being my friend. That’s been the trust 

[david_horsager]: show until next time, Stay trusted. 

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