Ep. 36: David Newman on How Leaders Can Build A Compelling Personal Brand

In this episode, David sits down with David Newman, Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Creator of the Expert Profit Formula Mentoring Program, to discuss why marketing really comes down to personal credibility, and how leaders can build a compelling personal brand.

Buy David’s NEW Book: https://www.trustedleaderbook.com/

David’s Bio:
David Newman, CSP is a member of the NSA Million Dollar Speakers Group. He is the author of the business bestsellers “Do It! Marketing” and “Do It! Speaking: 77 Instant-Action Ideas to Market, Monetize, and Maximize Your Expertise” (HarperCollins, 2020.) David is also the creator of the Expert Profit Formula mentoring program where he helps thought leaders market their smarts and make a bigger dent in the universe. Free training, tools, and downloads are waiting for you at www.doitmarketing.com

David’s Links:
Website: https://doitmarketing.com/
“Do It! Marketing” by David Newman: https://amzn.to/2Ud0PLS
FREE Consulting Revenue Roadmap Masterclass: https://doitmarketing.com/webinar
FREE Do It! Marketing Manifesto: https://doitmarketing.com/manifesto
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidjnewman/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dnewman
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ThoughtLeadershipMarketing

Key Quotes:
1. “Its not about doing the work. Its about getting the work.”
2. “Marketing really comes down to building a level of personal credibility.”
3. “Corporate leadership is personal leadership.”
4. “We want to hear from our leaders.”
5. “You need to have a face and a voice and a pen.”
6. “The more that you communicate, the more people will start to like you and trust you.”
7. “Most forward thinking CEOs dig their well before they’re thirsty.”
8. “Marketing needs to be easy, effortless, and enjoyable.”
9. “Never assign yourself marketing or sales responsibilities that you hate.”
10. “You have to look at business as everything is disposable.”
11. “We’re not married to anything except our clients’ success.”
12. “Forget about what you want to sell and focus like a crazy person on what your clients and customers want to buy.”
13. “Action eliminates fear.”

Links Mentioned In The Episode:
“Do It! Marketing” by David Newman: https://amzn.to/2Ud0PLS
“The Business of Expertise” by David C. Baker: https://amzn.to/3y2Irny
FREE Consulting Revenue Roadmap Masterclass: https://doitmarketing.com/webinar
FREE Do It! Marketing Manifesto: https://doitmarketing.com/manifesto

Buy David’s NEW book Trusted Leader: https://www.trustedleaderbook.com/

David’s Links:
Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/36AXtp9
Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/2S9O6mj
Follow David on Twitter: https://bit.ly/2BEXgla
Follow David on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2Xbsg5q
Follow David on Instagram: https://bit.ly/2QDFOE5

Show Transcript

David Horsager: Welcome to the trusted leader show it’s David Horsager we have a special guest today.

David Horsager: He is the best selling author of a few books his newest book do it marketing we’re going to talk a little bit about that and we sit together and million dollar speakers group and some other groups.

David Horsager: And association groups that i’m thrilled to be a part of but brilliant marketer and how that ties to credibility and trust we’re going to talk about it before we do welcome Mr David Newman.

David Newman: Thank you, David great to be here and I love the furniture, you have in here.

David Horsager: Thank you, there we go let’s uh let’s start with this, though let’s go back to the entrepreneurial journey tell us a couple things we don’t know about David Newman where’d you start how did you get going.

David Newman: Sure, well, I actually started a college pre MED I failed out of pre MED because I couldn’t pass chemistry physics and calculus failed all those in the same semester.

David Newman: decided to switch to drama and you can imagine the conversation there with my parents hey i’m not going to be a doctor, but i’m going to go into the theater.

David Newman: And so I did that actually have an MFA have a graduate degree in theater did theater for four years in New York City tough to make money at that.

David Newman: And I started adjunct teaching at my college at my graduate school.

David Newman: and a friend of mine says hey David you’re singing pretty good at this teaching thing you can do that for companies and that’s called corporate training and maybe you can make a living doing that.

David Newman: So that started my 10 year corporate training and consulting career that was 1992 to 2002 2002 I went out on my own.

David Newman: I said well how hard can this be I know how to train, I know how to coach I know how to consult.

David Newman: And, as I quickly found out, and I know the David you found out the same way it’s not about doing the work it’s about getting the work and I struggled for years, I mean I made every mistake in the book, I made the good ones twice.

David Newman: And I finally figured out some things and then my my corporate training speaking consulting took off, and that was about the first four or five years.

David Newman: of my business and then friends of mine started coming to me and saying hey David Can I take you to breakfast can we have coffee, can we have lunch guys pick your brain.

David Newman: And I never thought that that was anything more than just being a nice person and helping others because they were good people they had good questions I had fun answering the questions.

David Newman: A career consultant friend of mine who’s still a friend to this day we’re having one of these breakfast meetings where he’s asking me all these great questions and i’m riffing and ranting.

David Newman: He says, you know you should do this for a living and I said, do what eat bacon and eggs, he says no, no, you should help consultants and trainers and speakers, and you know executives go out and build their brand and build a business and blah blah blah blah blah.

David Newman: and David I laughed at him I was like yeah no no way i’m going back the Bank of America and wells fargo and PNC bank and Q vc and Microsoft and IBM, and these are my clients back in the 1990s.

David Newman: I am not going to go into the entrepreneurial coaching and consulting world he said no, no, listen, you are really gifted at this, what if I put a small group together and we just meet in your living room.

David Newman: I said listen i’ll do it just to help you and just for a little bit of fun, but I said i’m have to charge your money and I charge them coffee and bagel money, and so we met for four weeks in my living room I charge them like 50 bucks for all four weeks.

David Newman: that’s coffee and bagel money and we had some juice.

David Newman: Also, and I was having more fun and I was having more satisfaction and fulfillment and enjoyment.

David Newman: In my living room with these for consultants, then I was having with my big corporate training and consulting clients is around 2008 2008 I said wait a minute.

David Newman: there’s like a little positive tap from the universe here, this is not an accident, I need to pay attention to this.

David Newman: And that was literally the day the fourth the fourth session that fourth Tuesday morning when I knew I would miss these folks more than I had missed any of my corporate clients sorry corporate clients.

David Newman: And I started to turn down that corporate side of my business I started to turn up.

David Newman: Eventually the business that we have today, which is exactly helping consultants and trainers and coaches and executives build their own personal brand start a business grow a business get more clients have more fun.

David Newman: But it was it was a total accident, and it was a total random left turn back in 2008.

David Horsager: And you know we talked about something this is fun, because you know you know I started in the basement with black mold no windows bathroom or kitchen of Clara miller’s and we got to use her as thankfully and that’s how Lisa and I.

David Horsager: started and for for two years, we live there and thankfully, things have changed but and there was a lot of shifts and turns along the way.

David Horsager: But you know you said something about what marketing is to some people, and then you talked about that and it, I think it fits really well with what we do, out of the Institute tell us about defining marketing in certain ways.

David Newman: Well, I think, marketing really comes down to building a level of personal credibility.

David Newman: That a do know what you’re talking about be do do what you say and say what you do and again trust we’re talking to the King of trust here so it’s very congruent.

David Newman: With what you’re teaching and what you’re you’re helping your teams and companies with, but I really think that comes down to a personal level.

David Newman: When people talk about building a personal brand that phrase, by the way, makes me crazy because it’s got a million different definitions and no one really knows what that is.

David Newman: I think, building a personal brand comes down to one thing and one thing only, which is building your personal credibility.

David Horsager: Building your credibility is pretty much equal to trust when we said it earlier before the show you said hey.

David Horsager: way, most people need to think about marketing is building trust.

David Horsager: The way they.

David Horsager: might think about in companies is credibility, so this is what we’re doing, and you know this took me a lot, because I was kinda like doesn’t ever just want this trust that.

David Horsager: I actually have to share it we actually have to market it, we have to people don’t even get it unless they’ve seen it several times funny thing about the book my new book that came out trusted leader came out just a few weeks ago, and this.

David Horsager: I think a mutual friend of yours actually saw it, I didn’t know him yet, but he’s in our circle, a little bit and he saw a lot of my friends share, and he said.

David Horsager: boy this guy has a lot of friends sharing this book and, finally, he texts me wanting to be you know Facebook friends and said I said how many times, seeing it that it actually take to buy it.

David Horsager: And he said five and you and I both heard you have to see something six to eight times, or whatever before you buy it or connected or whatever well if we want to change the world if we really believe in our message.

David Horsager: People actually do have to see it, they have to hear about it, if they’re even going to know about it to trust it right so so i’m a CEO let’s say.

David Horsager: And, and I need to gain more credibility, I need to gain more trust it might take some visibility how how might I do that from your thinking around do it marketing.

David Newman: Sure well you know, one of the things that we we teach is a personal branding strategy which is really a credibility strategy that we call three PR.

David Newman: Three PR is an acronym for professional personalized public relations.

David Newman: So three p’s one are personalized professional public relations, this has nothing to do with a public relations agency, it has nothing to do with your corporate communications group it’s got nothing to do with anything it’s a three legged stool.

David Newman: leg number one is speaking it’s a speaking strategy so you’re the CEO.

David Newman: How often are you onstage on camera on zoom in front of the people that you want to build credibility with.

David Newman: Because we can no longer hide behind email, we can no longer hide behind closed door meetings, we can no longer hide behind memos, we can no longer hide behind corporate doublespeak.

David Newman: Corporate leadership is personal leadership and personal leadership is personal credibility and you need to display that on a regular basis.

David Newman: In front of the troops in front of internal audiences in front of external audiences in front of customers partners vendors franchisees whatever it is, in your world.

David Newman: How much are you leveraging a speaking strategy, which means on video on webinars on video clips in the media, all of these different things again internal external public and private so that’s like number one.

David Newman: let’s.

David Horsager: let’s just touch on something interesting here what we found from the research is.

David Horsager: Actually, something interesting that did happen there’s positives many negatives in the pandemic, please do want to point out and that’s true, but one of the positives in the pandemic is suddenly you saw CEOs.

David Horsager: get out of the ivory tower and be talking on zoom and the cat jumped on the you know, on the on the keyboard and the.

David Horsager: four year old grand in their undies behind them and all of a sudden, we humanize the ivory tower and actually a whole lot of good came out of that so number one is speaking your trips, it could be right through zoom.

David Horsager: tell us how you.

David Horsager: How do you do that authentically give us an example of something I can do tomorrow morning as well.

David Horsager: To my troops.

David Newman: You know I think the the video thought of the day, the video thought of the day, and it can be anything you can literally what I tell my executives to do is grab a post it note.

David Newman: jot down three quick ideas that you can spend 30 to 45 seconds each with a motivational message, a leadership message an update a new product, a new program a new customer success story.

David Newman: Something that you’re proud of something that you’re excited about something that the entire company can really start to rally behind flip on the camera.

David Newman: Look at your posts that notes, sometimes we even put the post it note right next to the webcam so you don’t need to look around or look down at your notes or look awkward.

David Newman: And then just spontaneously riff on those three big pieces of great news or exciting updates or future possibilities, where the company’s going.

David Newman: You know something new, something exciting a customer success story any of those kinds of things, two or three things.

David Newman: Video is going to be one or two minutes long.

David Newman: You are not going to like it you’re not going to like it at all oh my lighting wasn’t right Oh, the camera wasn’t quite perfect.

David Newman: you’re going to want to send this to corporate communications hey could you guys and gals clean this up, could you put in some bumpers could you put in some music, could you put the corporate logo up in the corner.

David Newman: i’m going to encourage you i’m gonna beg you don’t do that don’t do that humanize I love what David you just said, you have a human moment in front of the camera.

David Newman: And then you start to have multiple regular consistent human moments in front of the camera and you will transform into the trusted leader that you’ve always wanted to be.

David Horsager: So number one is speaking and, by the way to back this up from the newest research our trust outlook research global study.

David Horsager: 92% of people would trust their senior leaders more if they are more transparent about their mistakes, not just transparent but transparent about the mistakes.

David Horsager: share your mistakes and where you’re headed it might help humanize it and people trust you more I love the idea all stuff just get on there don’t worry about it so much share constant Where are you going what’s what’s a highlight what’s a positive.

David Horsager: Fantastic I think T mobile does this well right the CEO from T mobile there’s some people that are actually doing this well on a big scale and people are seeing Oh, this is, this is a human doing this number one on the stool was speaking.

David Horsager: authentically number two.

David Newman: yeah number two is publishing and when I say publishing people always get freaked out like oh my gosh.

David Newman: Do I have to write a 200 page business book like David horse soccer it’s like no we’re not talking about publishing a book.

David Newman: Although, eventually, you may want to go there, but that’s a whole separate conversation we’re talking about publish your writing.

David Newman: publish it could be a short blog it could be a daily update it could be a post that goes on your Intranet.

David Newman: But again don’t get the corporate speech writer to write it don’t get your corporate communications folks and Bob authentic writing from the heart right it’s like writing a personal letter.

David Newman: If the President of the United States can grab some stationery grab a fountain pen and jot down four or five sentences.

David Newman: and write a personal note, to someone who’s important to them trust me, you can write something that’s important to people who are important to you.

David Newman: So the whole concept of it’s again it’s a communication strategy and it’s a transparency strategy.

David Newman: We want to hear from our leaders want to hear from our leaders on video, we want to hear from our leaders in the media, we want to hear from our leaders internally and externally.

David Newman: When you write you boost your expertise, when you write you boost your transparency, and when you write you are the best face and voice of your company that there is now a lot of CEOs, especially the ones that might be more introverted they go oh.

David Newman: This is not about me I don’t want to hog the spotlight, we have a lot of smart people who work here we have a research department of sales department of marketing department of production department of engineering department.

David Newman: They should do the writing letting me shine the spotlight on them.

David Newman: Well, you know what I would agree with you, so let’s shine the spotlight on them, but that still does not let you off the hook.

David Newman: You, as the President you as the CEO you as the founder you, as the Chairman, you need to have a face and a voice and a pen and the pen is mightier than the sword, and the more that you write the more that you communicate the more people will start to like you and trust you.

David Horsager: I like this, so one one comment that comes to mind here is one of the great books, I read actually in college was the book right to learn.

David Horsager: And the argument is what basically when you write you learn you solidify you clarify you you become more expert.

David Horsager: And I can tell you every book i’ve written every time I published an article I get clear when I write it down it gets more.

David Horsager: I start to see even gaps gaps in a in a research argument when i’m writing i’m like that doesn’t make sense what’s really you know really here so right to learn so number one is speaking this is for gaining credibility as a.

David Horsager: Anybody but let’s take a senior leader, to be more than three PR professional personalized personalized that’s authentic and public relations professional personalized public relations three legged stool number one is speaking number two is publishing number three is.

David Newman: Number three is social media and as soon as I say, oh CEO should be involved in social media I know heads are exploding around the world heads.

David Newman: Are floating around the code.

David Newman: I don’t have time it’s nonsense our prospects aren’t There we have an entire team dedicated to this why in the world should I waste my time.

David Newman: Just like authenticity and transparency and credibility are built via speaking and they’re built via writing.

David Newman: When you say, this is a message from the CEO right, this is on your personal linkedin profile it’s not the company page is not a press release it’s not in the annual report.

David Newman: This is what does Suzanne think right now, today this morning.

David Newman: I wanted to write to you about an important development in our industry, I wanted to write to you about an important development at our company.

David Newman: I want to write to you about something that is super exciting that’s in the future of our entire industry and here’s where our company is doing to take part in that, and even to lead the conversation and that.

David Newman: Because the social media component that builds your spread ability.

David Newman: Right so we’ve talked about authenticity we’ve talked about credibility now we need to amplify and magnify that with your social media channels and again, not the company’s channels, the CEOs personal profile the CEOs Facebook page the CEOs linkedin profile.

David Newman: I even hesitate to say this because of all the social media backlash but yes, the CEOs instagram and Twitter accounts so put good energy could put put good personal energy into social media and it will be an amplifier and a magnifier of your leadership.

David Horsager: Is it best I mean I talked to say I interviewed someone yesterday and they said I just the only place I am is linkedin and he just does linkedin our biggest you know where I am predominantly for.

David Horsager: Our work is linkedin although personally have a you know Facebook is is easy, but do you have to do, I feel like.

David Horsager: You have to do all of these Is it too much to the split and be all over the place, and you know, have to manage all this stuff some people are like you know mandy we don’t want people to waste all this time just putting stuff out what.

David Newman: Totally totally, so I think, as far as.

David Newman: The main mothership for most B2B companies and most B2B CEOs it is totally going to be linkedin.

David Newman: But then, where do you amplify and magnify and share that linkedin content and there’s the this doesn’t even have to be the CEO in phase two phase two is take that original linkedin content.

David Newman: And do a series of tweets do a series of instagram posts, make a series of images or mediums.

David Newman: That drive people back to that original linkedin content so you’ve got the beacon and then you’ve got the outposts the beacon, I totally agree with you, David the beacon needs to be living on linkedin.

David Newman: But the outposts right all of the kind of ecosystem around the company’s social media or even other executives your whole C suite social media, they should be mentioning and referring and pointing back to that piece of CEO content that lives originally on linkedin.

David Horsager: So this is great three PR and if i’m going to gain credibility with my team i’ve got to be speaking to them i’ve got to be publishing giving them authentic.

David Horsager: You know content or authentic thoughts and i’ve got to deal with social media whether I, like it or not, what’s changed in the pandemic around marketing.

David Newman: Well, I guess it’s like the old saying that when the tide goes out, you can see who’s not wearing a bathing suit.

David Newman: And there are companies that have just been riding a wave or been complacent or gotten a little bit comfortable and arrogant.

David Newman: And this has been a tremendous wake up call it’s been a tremendous wake up call, I think, for two kinds of companies, the kinds that had you know catastrophic slow downs, and the other kind that had incredible hyper growth.

David Newman: Some companies realized that you know what we weren’t ready for this incredible hyper growth and some companies were in some companies weren’t.

David Newman: As professional consultants as professional trusted advisors David, I think you and I would agree.

David Newman: Most forward thinking CEOs dig their well before they’re thirsty they prepare their leadership team they prepare their sales team they prepare their research and development team to be agile.

David Newman: and responsive and ready, whether things go up down or sideways, so there are strategic plans in place, there are contingency plans in place, there are culture plans in place.

David Newman: Because the pandemic, both for both of these kinds of companies i’m sure you’ve studied Disney and you can have some great examples companies going through hyper growth.

David Newman: One of the first victims of hyper growth is the fantastic culture, they used to have when everything was under control.

David Newman: One of the big victims of a catastrophic slow down or implosion is all we had a great culture until everything hit the fan, and we had the lead, two thirds of our people go.

David Newman: So the way that we behave during the boom times does not is not congruent with the way that we laid people off or had to make cuts are treated, are you know low paid workers frontline workers, etc.

David Newman: here’s the problem with that people remember and the media remembers and these employment websites like glassdoor.com they remember.

David Newman: How you reacted during this crisis and that corporate reputation and I know David you teach this and preach this all the time.

David Newman: takes years or decades to build and you can lose it in a heartbeat one bad decision one bad round of layoffs one bad choice one bad media interview.

David Newman: And you got a lot of ground to recover, so I think what what has happened is the tide has receded and they’re really market leading companies that have the trusted leaders in place good times or bad.

David Newman: Happy or sad rain or shine feel like it or not, those companies are now held up as the paragons.

David Newman: And the companies that sort of screwed up and we’re throwing some things under the rug sweeping some things under the rug little corporate baggage is not pretty to look at.

David Newman: The word is out and you’re going to have a tough time getting talent you’re gonna have a tough time leading your industry, unless you fix some of those trust issues.

David Horsager: So let’s take this you know one thing you said in the book and I like that do it market like we need to do things right, so, so I think.

David Horsager: Somebody talked to recently, you might know him Dr Jeff mcgee he said I said, what are you noticing about leaders, the dead well um it’s the you know.

David Horsager: it’s the pandemic and those that didn’t was there a difference that you saw and I saw some things and we compared those but everybody hears heard what I think about it, but Dr Jeffrey said he said those leadership teams their executive teams.

David Horsager: All had a sales and marketing pedigree.

David Horsager: Those that did well in this time they had a sales and they had to do it, they had a you got to have a bias for actually.

David Horsager: sales and marketing, not a bias for process, not a bias, for some of these other things they had other bias doesn’t mean we don’t need all people in all things but they had to have this pedigree, and this is biased, but that kind of gets the core of your book let’s do it, but you also almost.

David Horsager: Contrary say in your book marketing needs to be easy effortless and enjoyable.

David Horsager: So we got to do it, but I think a lot of people don’t because they feel like Oh, my goodness, now I gotta write this I gotta be on this i’m going to get the video for this, how do we make it easy effortless and enjoyable.

David Newman: Sure, I think this is especially important for for executive teams and leadership teams, where they can do this selectively.

David Newman: And here’s how to make the selection, if you love writing if you’re a natural writer.

David Newman: I would use writing strategies.

David Newman: If you hate writing and we talked to so many people Dave I know you love to write I love to write, but there are people oh I hate to write I the less writing I do the better, you know I hire people to write for me i’m not going to write anything.

David Newman: But if you love speaking, then you should use speaking strategies and I don’t mean necessarily public speaking paid speaking the kind that you do the kind that I do.

David Newman: i’m talking about a beyond video that’s a speaking strategy be a guest on podcasts that is a speaking strategy.

David Newman: Use the live streaming platforms like linkedin live YouTube live Facebook live that those are all speaking strategies.

David Newman: If you love technology and you’re kind of getting out maybe you’re a tech CEO and you love all the technology.

David Newman: Ways of marketing great forget about speaking forget about writing use technology strategies.

David Newman: If you don’t like technology but boy boy, do you get energy from going out to the marketplace hanging out with customers hanging out with prospects meeting new people shaking hands and kissing babies.

David Newman: And you love networking and meeting people use networking strategy both online and offline networking strategies so there’s going to be something that you enjoy.

David Newman: Whether it is speaking or writing or technology or networking or relationship building or any of these different things, never assign yourself marketing or sales responsibilities that you hate.

David Newman: Because that’s going to be drudgery and you’re never going to get around to them it’s always going to be number 17 on your priority list.

David Horsager: This is a key never assigned sales and marketing strategies that you hate.

David Newman: yeah.

good idea.

David Newman: I mean, especially right C suite leaders Presidents CEOs owners founders they they are, they are selectively engaging in this why wouldn’t you choose things that you enjoy and things that are fun for you.

David Newman: You have a whole marketing department, let them take care of the day to day we’re talking about your personal brand communication that’s your version of your personal brand marketing your leadership brand marketing should be things that you enjoy.

David Horsager: let’s go back to personal let’s go back to Dave Newman, as an entrepreneur and there’s ups and downs in the entrepreneurial journey.

David Horsager: What woody what are you learning now and what did you learn it tell us a little bit more of the challenges of the journey and how you overcame to become the kind of the success, you are today as an entrepreneur.

David Newman: I think you have to look at business as everything is is gonna sound weird but it’s okay people might might remember it.

David Newman: Everything is disposable everything can go if something is not working products programs services departments functions.

David Newman: programs, whatever it might be everything is disposable.

David Newman: We say in our business that we’re not married to anything except our clients success so if we need to trash our entire service line our entire product line and go, you know what.

David Newman: Before march of 2020 it was awesome it was great now it’s completely irrelevant and everything.

David Newman: had to go literally everything had to go between March and June of 2020 we reinvented this entire business.

David Newman: We let a whole bunch of people go, we brought a whole bunch of new people in let a whole bunch of products, services and programs go from.

David Newman: Multi six figures, a month down to zero per month because they were no longer serving our clients.

David Newman: We had to boot up over the course of that three months, a whole suite of new programs products and services that did not exist before March of 2020.

David Newman: And we hit our stride and it sounds weird to say this, but 2020 was our highest earning year our highest revenue year our highest profit year 2021 so far as tracking about 1.5 to 1.7 times of what 2020 is.

David Newman: Because we are so hell bent pardon my French we are so heck bent.

David Newman: On a client success that whatever it takes to give our clients, the outcome that they pay us for that’s the business that we’re in and we teach this, by the way.

David Newman: The way the soundbite around this David is forget about what you want to sell and focus like a crazy person on what your clients and customers want to buy and that’s going to keep you relevant that’s going to keep you valuable and that’s going to keep the checks flowing in the door.

David Horsager: Forget about what you want to sell and focus on what they want to buy.

David Newman: Like a crazy person like a maniac.

David Horsager: love it.

David Newman: I was watching a detective show and I forget which one it was, but it was it was a detective.

David Newman: sergeant who was braiding one of his one of his detectives he says, where was he at 930 i’m not sure why he went into the Bank, we have video of him going into the bank what was he doing in the back, while i’m not 100% sure.

David Newman: He gets into this detectives face, he says listen, you need to follow this guy you need that every single move every single muscle, I want to know how this guy likes his eggs and that’s the punch line you, we need to know how our ideal prospects and customers, how do they like their eggs.

David Newman: sunny side up side of bacon Thank you.

David Newman: That is what that’s the level of intimacy that we need to have if we’re going to be a trusted advisor or a trusted leader, we have to know how our prospects and customers, like their eggs.

David Horsager: We got to know how they like their eggs okay here’s a fun one for you, you know we moved out to this cool farm.

David Horsager: grateful for the lake you couple horses, we have it just an hour and we can’t find it, you know, we had a name this place.

David Horsager: What what’s what what who are we as Westerners and we have a mission statement as a family, and we have some of the other things you know for kids and whatever but finally my daughter that just.

David Horsager: For kids two daughters two sons, but she just said, I think it’s sunny side up farms and our farm because it just brings joy and we start talking about it that you know egg represents life and all these things, so there you go, we had the stamp where the sign sunny side up.

David Horsager: It just became that about two weeks ago that’s going to funny.

David Newman: And remember, everything is better with bacon.

David Horsager: No it’s perfect no doubt perfect okay let’s get to you personally, as we bring this bring this, all together, you know great leaders tend to lead themselves well and it’s not always easy, but that can be everything from.

David Horsager: Health emotionally physically relational financially mentally what are you doing any routines that you’re doing to to lead yourself well as far as routines or tips that you would have as a personal leader.

David Newman: Well, it sounds like a cliche but it’s a cliche because it works and it’s proven by many millions of people.

David Newman: Every morning I wake up and I have a morning routine and this is part reading and part thinking and part journaling and.

David Newman: I think that a CEOs most important task is sometimes sitting in your office with your feet up on your desk staring blankly out the window.

David Newman: Thinking time strategic time Marin nation time percolation time.

David Newman: And if we don’t take time for that all the business and all the tasks just start to pile up in a meaningless pile so I I make it a habit to do that marrow donation percolation personal reading personal journaling first thing most mornings.

David Horsager: I love it what’s your favorite what’s your favorite thing to read right now book resource, what do you liking, the these days.

David Newman: I well So besides your book, of course, which is awesome picked up a really great book by a guy named David see baker it’s called the business of expertise.

David Newman: And it speaks to the business that we’re in but it’s also some great kind of business philosophies.

David Newman: And you know he’s he talks about the consulting business specifically and the the design business but there’s so many nuggets and so many great lessons in that book for any CEO.

David Horsager: love it what’s the biggest hope for the future Where are you headed, what do you hope for in the next few years.

David Newman: You know I am seeing i’m seeing a revival in entrepreneurship, I am seeing.

David Newman: This entrepreneurship is moving out of that well I couldn’t get a corporate job right I couldn’t go back into my corporate job, so I guess i’ll have to settle for this.

David Newman: There are there is now such a ground swell of excitement and energy and optimism in the entrepreneurial community that where it’s going to be riding that wave, I think, for the next 10 plus years.

David Horsager: I love it nothing like entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, nothing like taking the risk nothing like the excitement not like.

David Horsager: Having your at your hand and your destiny and being able to be mission all about what you care about I mean can’t think of anything what.

David Horsager: Somebody said that to me is that when you get to talk about some other than trust, I mean you know you talk about this trust what’s your next thing like.

David Horsager: I can’t think I can’t think of anything i’d be about other than trust the way we serve our clients might be different, but.

David Horsager: that’s fantastic hey where can we find out more you know you’ve got the do it series of books do it marketing I recommend everybody, but what’s what’s it will put all this in the show notes.

David Horsager: trusted leader show calm ever again, but you can find everything about David Newman and his books and other great offerings if you’re interested in more amping up your credibility as a senior leader or an individual.

David Horsager: You can find out more, but where would you recommend the first place, we go.

David Newman: Sure well to two things both free on our website, the first thing is, we have some free web training that’s it do it marketing.com slash webinar and, if you want to grab our 37 page manifesto this part marketing and sales and part mindset that’s that do it marketing.com slash manifesto.

David Horsager: will get that in the show notes Thank you so much for that, before I asked my final question any last words of wisdom.

David Newman: You know, a mantra that i’ve lived by, for I would say the last 10 years or so and and this This obviously, is where the whole do it, marketing and the whole do it concept comes from.

David Newman: The it’s a three word mantra and the three word monster, I sometimes go back to in my darkest hours action eliminates fear.

David Newman: Action eliminates fear when you’re stuck when you’re scared when you’re not sure what the right move is just make a move.

David Newman: You know, spend as little time as possible in hesitation and indecision and action eliminates fear and actions, where you get the data to make good decisions we never going to get data sitting, you know paralyzed and stuck deer in headlights so action eliminates fear.

David Horsager: Where did that come from is that somebody is that to attributed to anybody, you know.

David Newman: You know I I don’t know it just kind of came to me, one day, is a three word thing it very well might be somebody.

David Newman: Out there, I have no idea it’s just something that i’ve adopted as my personal fortune cookie jar.

David Horsager: it’s David Newman made him late it is.

David Horsager: and Martin Luther King.


David Horsager: All right, my Angelo They all said it.

David Horsager: They all knew that it is time.


David Horsager: Well, this has been a treat I counted just a privilege to call you my friend i’m looking forward to seeing you this summer at something we’re going to be at together it’s a privilege to be able to be a part of, but it is the trusted leader show So who is a leader you trust and why.

David Newman: i’m going to have to nominate my CEO whose name is Charlie pause neck, and he is he is.

David Newman: utterly calm completely irrational totally balanced incredibly generous incredibly kind you know i’m like i’m like the the right brain Mr creative 100 miles an hour big ideas you know i’m the creative energy.

David Newman: Behind this business Charlie is the financial and operations and stability energy behind this business.

David Newman: If it was me I would be like a rocket flaming out of control and going in all kinds of crazy zany orbits so Charlie keeps me grounded he keeps our company grounded, he is a he is a buffer he is a source of constant steady reassurance.

David Horsager: We need everybody, we need that’s one thing we learned right away right, we need a lot of we need help.

David Horsager: unite even out.

David Horsager: hey David Newman Thank you so much, find everything you need at trusted leader show.com all the show notes everything about David Newman, this has been the Leader show until next time stay trusted.

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