The speculation is over and campaigning is wrapped, but the churning political waters are far from settled for the American people. The 2016 presidential election was arguably the most divisive to-date with insults, finger-pointing and scandals absorbing the airtime on news outlets and the clicks on social media.
Contrary to the record-breaking number of viewers during the presidential debates, the findings from our national trust study, 2017 Trust Outlook™, reveal 88% of Americans think the political system is not fully trustworthy or fair. If only 12 out of every 100 Americans think they have a fair and trustworthy system, is it any wonder that so many chose to forgo the time-honored civic duty of casting a ballot?

There is clearly a trust gap in our political system but it turns out this isn’t the only element of the national civic domain that is failing to inspire the trust of the American public. The institution of government itself is woefully lacking in trust.
The national study found that hands down, government and the entertainment industry are the institutions least trusted by Americans regardless of political affiliation.
What is our roll in the post-election terrain? Trust. It is up to individuals and organizations to build it, earn it, share it and become most trusted in their industry regardless of political perspective. In the midst of change, leaders set the tone for trustworthiness by treating all people with respect and by doing what is right over what is easy.
Trust Edge Leadership Institute offers the freshest research on how individuals and organizations can build trust the fastest at work and at home. The 2017 Trust Outlook™ showcases future trends of who and what Americans trust in…and what they don’t. To forecast next year’s trust climate in America and to stay ahead of the competition, take look at the newest research on trust in the United States: