Ep. 89: Joe Schmit on The #1 Job Of EVERY Leader

In this episode, David sits down with Joe Schmit, Award-winning Broadcaster, Community Leader, Author, and Speaker, to discuss what the #1 job of EVERY leader is.

Buy David’s NEWEST Book “Trusted Leader”: https://amzn.to/3luyqf1

Joe’s Bio:
Joe Schmit is an award-winning broadcaster, community leader and popular keynote speaker. He joined KSTP-TV in 1985 and has won 18 Emmys from the National Television Academy. He was also honored with the Emmy’s Silver Circle designation for extraordinary contributions to the television industry.

As a speaker, Joe was inducted into the Minnesota Chapter of the National Speakers Association Hall of Fame in 2019. He also has earned the CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) designation which only 15 percent of speakers nationally attain.

Joe is past president and board member of the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Greater Twin Cities. He was the winner of the Jim Kelly Distinguished Service Award from Big Brothers and Big Sisters and Odyssey Award for commitment to youth mentorship. Joe was also honored as the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund (JDRF) Community Leader of the Year in 2005.

Joe and his wife Laura chaired a 5.5 million dollar capital campaign for VEAP, the largest food shelf in Minnesota.

Joe’s Links:
Website: https://joeschmit.com/
“Silent Impact” by Joe Schmit: https://amzn.to/3bDWc6b
“The Impact Blueprint” by Joe Schmit: https://amzn.to/3NxhDDc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joeschmitsports
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoeSchmitKSTP
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joe-schmit-speaker/

Key Quotes:
1. “We make our biggest impressions when we’re not trying to be impressive.”
2. “Ask one more question.”
3. “Everybody wants to be acknowledged and feel valued.”
4. “You need to listen with your eyes not with your ears.”
5. “You need to listen to learn not listen to respond.”
6. “You have to let people know that you care.”
7. “Every company has a gap.”
8. “You need to have a culture plan within your organization.”
9. “A tenet is a principle or a belief that people live by.”
10. “Too many times we compare ourselves to other people.”
11. “Everybody has a journey.”
12. “Clarity is the catalyst for growth.”
13. “Trust is earned.”
14. “People want to tell their story.”

Links Mentioned In The Episode:
“Silent Impact” by Joe Schmit: https://amzn.to/3bDWc6b
“The Impact Blueprint” by Joe Schmit: https://amzn.to/3NxhDDc
2023 Trusted Leader Summit: http://trustedleadersummit.com/
Thumbs Up For Mental Health: https://thumbsupformentalhealth.org/
“Uncommon” by Tony Dungy and Nathan Whitaker: https://amzn.to/3bCaJ28

Buy David’s NEWEST Book “Trusted Leader”: https://amzn.to/3luyqf1

David’s Links:
Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/36AXtp9
Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/2S9O6mj
Follow David on Twitter: https://bit.ly/2BEXgla
Follow David on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2Xbsg5q
Follow David on Instagram: https://bit.ly/2QDFOE5

Show Transcript

David Horsager: hello it’s david horsager and this

is the trusted leader show today i’ve got

David Horsager: a dear friend as a guest he’s

an author he’s a culture expert he speaks

David Horsager: a lot around the world he’s also

sports director of channel five and we’re just

David Horsager: thrilled to have him thanks for being

on with me joe schmit

Joe Schmit: all right david it’s an honor to

be on there and and it’s always fun

Joe Schmit: to see you and work with you


David Horsager: joe you’re you’re you’re an amazing guy

you had an impact um certainly

Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: in our part of the world and

everybody knows you here kind of a local

David Horsager: celebrity but you’ve also taken your message

research and work with your books and

Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: speaking all around the world let’s get

away from that for a

Joe Schmit: m

David Horsager: second and just like hey people don’t

know joe just give us a couple of

David Horsager: things a little background couple minutes

Joe Schmit: okay well i’ve been a television sports

anchor pretty much all my life i’ve been

Joe Schmit: at k s t p t v

in the twin cities here for thirty three

Joe Schmit: years now so

David Horsager: holy cow year old you are

Joe Schmit: i think i’m the reason nobody ever

wins championships in here in minnesota except for

Joe Schmit: the links but you know i’m a

really lucky guy it’s something i wanted to

Joe Schmit: do and along the way i started

speaking to day and rotaries and athletic banquets

Joe Schmit: and things like that and i started

telling stories about people to make an impact

Joe Schmit: and then it became my passion my

mission to study people to make an impact

Joe Schmit: and why they do and that’s that

became my air you have experts and they’ve

Joe Schmit: taken it now to the whole building

world class cultures

David Horsager: and joe you’re your book that did

really well and i gave copies of these

David Horsager: but many of you’ve seen those of

you that are watching it with silent impact

David Horsager: and it’s just a great book your

newer book is all about the framework or

David Horsager: the impact blue print and we’re going

to touch on that before we do

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: i want to bring up a quote

from you that i love and i want

David Horsager: you to respond to it you said

we make our biggest impressions when we’re not

David Horsager: trying to be

Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: impressive

Joe Schmit: yes and i tell stories about that

and go and research the impact twenty thirty

Joe Schmit: years later and i think if we

look at our own lives when we’ve had

Joe Schmit: impact on somebody or somebody had an

impact on us it was just because we

Joe Schmit: happened to be at the right place

at the right time and said the right

Joe Schmit: thing and it’s not that we’re trying


David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: be heroes but usually when you try

to be impressive put on your sunday suit

Joe Schmit: and you get ready to roll here

not impressing anybody but where you’re really impressive

Joe Schmit: is when nobody’s really watching you or

expecting you to act that way and and

Joe Schmit: it’s amazing to me how many great

leaders have this quality and sometimes how many

Joe Schmit: failed leaders do not have this quality

David Horsager: tell me about this you you’ve interviewed

some of the great in the world in

David Horsager: our part of the world i can

remember you you know with the microphone in

David Horsager: front of our great kirby pocket and

a host of others along the way morin

David Horsager: and going back and going forward but

tell me tell us about one or two

David Horsager: of those first from the sports old

then we might jump to even the corporate

David Horsager: world but but who’s who’s the impact

players you see it that made a difference

David Horsager: twenty years later

Joe Schmit: well i’ve been lucky enough i’ve interviewed

one on once with tiger woods mahomed lee

Joe Schmit: wan gretski michael jordan on so ‘ve

been very fortunate that way but the story

Joe Schmit: that always resonate with me is joe

mower who is six time wall star three

Joe Schmit: time batting champ l v p well

when he was in high school he walked

Joe Schmit: a special need student who was blind

to the lunch room and what i did

Joe Schmit: as i went back and twenty years

later i found all the guys who sat

Joe Schmit: around that table and they told the

stories and the impact it had and dave

Joe Schmit: you don’t even know this yet but

recently i video taped i brought joe and

Joe Schmit: this mike holley back together in the

same high school in the same lunch room

Joe Schmit: at the same table brought them together

had him sit down and talk about the

Joe Schmit: impact it had in each other’s lives

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: and it’s really compelling powerful stuff and

to take it one step further this is

Joe Schmit: the way silent impact works you know

how we

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: make our biggest preston we’re not trying

to be impressive a young woman got the

Joe Schmit: book silent impact read that joe mower

story and because of it she was struggling

Joe Schmit: she her her grandfather had just died

of suicide she was really struggling what to

Joe Schmit: do she started a non profit called

thumbs up for mental health she’s working with

Joe Schmit: high schools all over minnesota right now

we’re using that ideo to to do a

Joe Schmit: video called no one eats alone using


David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: mower and this story in the reunion

as the basis of it

David Horsager: you know that that speaks to something

i’ve never shared i don’t think on the

David Horsager: podcast but my we moved when my

daughter was in seventh grade um and i

David Horsager: think if i got this right from

her the first day she sat down at

David Horsager: lunch the whole group of girls she

sat by got up and left and she

David Horsager: was alone and part of her first

several months at that high school or school

David Horsager: alone and of course she’s amazing now

and become great and we

Joe Schmit: right

David Horsager: love her through it and she has

a very high e q today but those

David Horsager: are some lonely tough times you know

and actually see that in adults today people

David Horsager: you go to events you go to

receptions people don’t know how like they’re over

David Horsager: alone in the corner there’s a lot

of people alone out there what can we

David Horsager: do just in our work and in

our world what’s one we we could be

David Horsager: more intentional leaders could be more intentional

about making a silent impact

Joe Schmit: first of all i think it’s an

awareness you have to be aware and what

Joe Schmit: i have worked with leaders i say

schedule yourself fifteen

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: minutes a day or every other day

in all it impact time and the impact

Joe Schmit: time is really just to go check

on people how you doing ask one more

Joe Schmit: question how was your week end it

was fun what did you do i went

Joe Schmit: fishing where you go i went up

to me were you catching while i up

Joe Schmit: there all of a sudden you make

a relationship

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: that is deeper and more meaningful and

you let these people know your fellow employes

Joe Schmit: whether they’re higher on the food chain

or lower the food came from you that

Joe Schmit: you really care because all these different

generations in the workplace right now

David Horsager: my

Joe Schmit: i don’t care whether you’re seventeen or

seventy seven everybody wants to be acknowledged in

Joe Schmit: fee valued and if you’re

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: a leader that’s your number one job

David Horsager: wow talk to me about that tell

me jump into the

Joe Schmit: yes

David Horsager: traits in the blue print you’ve got

all these traits of leaders that are making

David Horsager: an impact what’s what’s a favorite trait

we can talk about right now

Joe Schmit: well

David Horsager: oh

Joe Schmit: how about trust

David Horsager: i like it

Joe Schmit: my boy i do have trust in

there and i quote you and my in

Joe Schmit: the impact blueprint the impact blueprint has

fifty two trades of people who make an

Joe Schmit: impact and then there’s a little story

in each one and then something to do

Joe Schmit: but i would

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: say besides trust i think the number

one issue is communication you know how are

Joe Schmit: you communicating you need to listen with

your eyes not with your s you need

Joe Schmit: to listen to learn not listen to

respond i think too many people in the

Joe Schmit: conversation they’re listening to say now what

am i going to say next to make

Joe Schmit: me feel smart listen to learn and

listen to ask questions you don’t want to

Joe Schmit: be the kind of person i always

i always tease i said i’ve got a

Joe Schmit: couple of friends who’ll say you know

now that i’ve talked about me for

David Horsager: yah

Joe Schmit: the last half hour why don’t talk

David Horsager: yah

Joe Schmit: about me for the next half hour

David Horsager: exactly well

Joe Schmit: but

David Horsager: i love

Joe Schmit: communication

David Horsager: it

Joe Schmit: you know that

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: david you mean in trust tell me

that communication is not high in that food

Joe Schmit: chain

David Horsager: absolutely you know it weaves through all

of them and it’s often the what’s trusted

David Horsager: is the type right the clear communication

compassionate communication you know consistent communication end so

David Horsager: forth

Joe Schmit: okay

David Horsager: so let’s let’s jump in here you

know you’ve become in all your time interviewing

David Horsager: grades and in all your time

Joe Schmit: m

David Horsager: working with companies and you’ve had some

significant impact with companies on their culture let’s

David Horsager: jump into culture for a few moments


Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: you talk about these three areas of

making a great culture but

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: give us an example of a great


Joe Schmit: okay one of my companies that i

worked with is any time fitness and any

Joe Schmit: time fitness promises every employe you will

never miss a monumental moment of your life

Joe Schmit: that’s there first promise to you so

what they’re telling you is they care about

Joe Schmit: you because when i work on i

call it the culture first mind set there

Joe Schmit: are three areas we work on compassion

connection and clarity you have to

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: let people know you care and that’s

one way they do i worked with a

Joe Schmit: with a small title company that had

five different outlets throughout the midwest and when

Joe Schmit: they bogh people together i went

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: to one of the managers meetings and

the co started off with a profit and

Joe Schmit: loss statement i said i said you

got it all wrong you’re not letting your

Joe Schmit: people know you care you’re letting know

you care about money you really don’t care

Joe Schmit: about them

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: just get me a lot of money

and we change the whole perspective they celebrate

Joe Schmit: everything right now everybody you know if

somebody’s kid wins a little tournament on monday

Joe Schmit: everybody knows it because they elebrateid he

starts off meetings now i gave him this

Joe Schmit: advice and i used this quite often

i said don’t start off your meeting with

Joe Schmit: profit and loss statement start off your

meeting with a question of the day what’s

Joe Schmit: the best concert i went to and

you go around the room and everybody gives

Joe Schmit: thirty seconds well all of a sudden

across the table you find out that this

David Horsager: oh

Joe Schmit: person you’ve worked with for the last

ten years is a huge rolling stones fan

Joe Schmit: to and you are at the same

concert that’s called the connection it makes you

Joe Schmit: dive a little bit deeper into that

connection you can ask questions and guess what

Joe Schmit: the next time the stones are in


David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: in your town you might go together

that’s the it works out

David Horsager: i love it what

Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: what when you take culture

Joe Schmit: m

David Horsager: we talk about this a lot but

all of

Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: these things

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: i’m just thinking about this right now

because i was in the boardroom

Joe Schmit: ah

David Horsager: yesterday on a significant deep project with

senior leaders of a publicly traded company and

David Horsager: we’re talking about trust and we’re alkigabouthow

do they get it from their but they’re

David Horsager: like what about them what about them

being committed to us what about them connecting

David Horsager: with us what about what about our

employes and we have such a you know

David Horsager: such a challenge challenge of retention and

attrition right now and yet i do see

David Horsager: the challenge because around that board room

you get all these people that got to

David Horsager: answer to the state holders that are

talking profit loss and they’re talking all these

David Horsager: things but marry those together for a

little bit so people see the val ou

Joe Schmit: well first of all i think a

company has to realize that there’s a gap

Joe Schmit: every company has a gap no matter

how good you think your culture is and

Joe Schmit: here’s the gap the gap is the


David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: you have and the culture you straw

four and what

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: are you doing to fill that gap

and and that’s where it comes down to

Joe Schmit: the three seas so what are you

doing to make better connections what are you

Joe Schmit: doing to let people know that it’s

actually p

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: over profits and guess what when you

put people over profits you know what the

Joe Schmit: buyproduct is profits wild success fantastic customer

service people who will want to stay there

Joe Schmit: david when in our reason sears when

people look for a job today sixty percent

Joe Schmit: of the people before they even fill

out an application look at the values in

Joe Schmit: the culture of that company before they

even apply you need to have a culture

Joe Schmit: plan within your organization and if you

don’t have a culture plan

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: it’s you got a financial plan you

got a crisis management plan you know in

Joe Schmit: our personal lives we got vacation plans

we got weddin plans we got funeral plans

David Horsager: yep

Joe Schmit: do you have a culture plan if

you don’t have

David Horsager: so

Joe Schmit: a culture

David Horsager: let’s do

Joe Schmit: plan

David Horsager: it let’s let’s start

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: we’re known for here here’s my you

know this is that i do podcastfrea consulting

David Horsager: right so so let’s create a culture

plan how would i do that at least

David Horsager: give us give us a little let’s

let’s create a plan we got our companies

David Horsager: people are listening instead of talking about

how do i do how even start creating

David Horsager: a culture plan

Joe Schmit: okay the first thing you do is

you work with your team and you get

Joe Schmit: your team to realize i have to

look inwardly first i started this i’m gonna

Joe Schmit: i’m gonna i got

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: i’m going to show this i started

this thing i call the triple play because

Joe Schmit: i think everybody needs to do a

self examination of how they are either helping

Joe Schmit: or hurting the culture of their company

and here’s the triple play david what are

Joe Schmit: you going to stop

David Horsager: ah

Joe Schmit: what are you going to start and

what are you goin to continue with the

Joe Schmit: culture and then under each one you

put down the three wise or the three

Joe Schmit: results because of that so so for

for example for me my stop is sarcasm

Joe Schmit: i tend to think everything is funny

and that can be sarcastic well underneath sarcasm

Joe Schmit: things i have to stop and the

reason i have to stop is one in

Joe Schmit: sarcasm there’s there’s a shred of truth


David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: some

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: people don’t have a sense of humor

won’t understand it three you can hurt people

Joe Schmit: without without even realizing it with sardcasts

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: so then what am i going to

start doing i’m going to schedule impact time

Joe Schmit: fifteen minutes every day i’m going to

reward progress i’m going to find out how

Joe Schmit: people are doing guess what i’m going

to acknowledge them and tell you tell them

Joe Schmit: that they’re valuable you know our mutual

friend mike mc kinley he used to do

Joe Schmit: a bit on the stage where he

said where he said you know nobody ever

Joe Schmit: quitted job because they were getting patted

on the back too often you know

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: nobody ever quitted job they quite a

job because they feel under appreciated

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: solutely but they never quit a job

when they feel appreciation

David Horsager: yeah and what are you going to


Joe Schmit: what am i going to continue i’m

going to continue praising heavily

David Horsager: h

Joe Schmit: um i started

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: i started doing it a few years

back you know sometimes dave you’re a hundred

Joe Schmit: percent go go go guy and and

i’m the same way so sometimes we expect

Joe Schmit: everybody to be the same way

David Horsager: oh

Joe Schmit: we are well guess what some people

work at a different pace and some people

Joe Schmit: work

David Horsager: oh

Joe Schmit: at a different level it was interesting

sports back ground i sat down with bud

Joe Schmit: grant about a year ago and bud

and i were just talking i said to

Joe Schmit: bud i said but what leadership worked

for you and if you’re don’t know who

Joe Schmit: bud granted but it was a legendary

hall of fame coach for the minnesota vikings

Joe Schmit: he led him to four super balls

unfortunately they lost all four super balls but

Joe Schmit: but it was a great leader and

bud said he got to know his people

David Horsager: oh

Joe Schmit: that was his most important job and

he said i had to know who i

Joe Schmit: could yell at in front of the

team i had to know who i had

Joe Schmit: to bring behind closed doors i had

to know who i needed to kick in

Joe Schmit: the butt and i had to know

who i put my arm around and say

Joe Schmit: it’ll be better next time and he

said once i learn that leadership became a

Joe Schmit: lot easier so

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: stop starting

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: continue think about that how you can

figure out how to make different people click

Joe Schmit: so we do that that’s stage one

David Horsager: love it

Joe Schmit: you want more

David Horsager: look more look inwardly first and it

stop start continue simple

Joe Schmit: yep

David Horsager: actionable powerful how how many steps are


Joe Schmit: well well then then so

David Horsager: next

Joe Schmit: so what happens is i have not

made this one thing i decided originally when

Joe Schmit: i was doing this i was going

to do it just like you do a

Joe Schmit: strategic plan you

David Horsager: yep

Joe Schmit: to have objectives you at dates all


David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: and obviously i realized nobody wants that

because that’s word smithing that’s that you get

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: down where you know you put it

in the file and two

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: years later we dig out the strategic


David Horsager: yep

Joe Schmit: so

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: what i do with the companies i

work with is i tell them let’s all

Joe Schmit: agree on it tenant a tenant is

David Horsager: oh

Joe Schmit: a principle or a belief that people

live by this is not a word smith

Joe Schmit: belief for example one of the companies

i just worked with it a company t

Joe Schmit: is a nine one one company throughout

the world basically what you know with everybody

Joe Schmit: with their cell phone now you know

in the old days you called nine one

Joe Schmit: one from your house you can go

right to your house well this company said

Joe Schmit: software that you could be in the

middle of the woods and call nine one

Joe Schmit: one and they can pin point where

you are so they work all over the

Joe Schmit: world and in any way their tenet

that they came out with after we worked

Joe Schmit: with them for a i was we’re

here to help

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: everybody flourish very simple but basically i

was telling you i am here to make

Joe Schmit: you better you’re here to make me

better you’re here to make them better and

Joe Schmit: all of a sudden everybody every it

goes up everybody rises up you know our

Joe Schmit: research said that employes want three things

from a company they want a company that

Joe Schmit: cares about their people okay that’s pretty

soon they want a company that’s successful because

Joe Schmit: they don’t want to worry about that

company moving away and they also want a

Joe Schmit: company that cares about the community that

they serve and not just by giving it

Joe Schmit: you know you know showing up at

some event and calling it a charity event

Joe Schmit: but really digs down and cares about

the community and communities they serve

David Horsager: love it so number

Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: two agree on a tenant work through

a process

Joe Schmit: m right

David Horsager: you lead this process agree on a

tenant may be e’ll go

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: just a little bit further what’s after


Joe Schmit: well after that then is the follow

up how are we going to follow how

Joe Schmit: are we going to follow this up

what are we going to put into implementation

Joe Schmit: so during during a session we will

talk about different ideas that worked for different

Joe Schmit: companies you know we will talk about

you know instead of doing a zoom talk

Joe Schmit: you know another zoom meeting why don’t

you both go for a walk and you

Joe Schmit: can

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: talk about you know what you’re seeing

on the walk it just changes thing up

Joe Schmit: you

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: know everybody is having a hard time

connecting coming back into the real world out

Joe Schmit: of the pandemic so what are you

doing to make it easier to connect you

Joe Schmit: know

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: broadcast from home for an entire year

i’m the most social guy in the world

Joe Schmit: when i went back to k s

t p for the first time i had

Joe Schmit: an i hadn’t

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: been back there working with people it

was like if i have to kind of

Joe Schmit: s things flow off my back imagine

somebody who has anged over a lot of

Joe Schmit: things that kind of ance they had

so what are you doing to make it

Joe Schmit: comfortable for people to connect and and

you can get a lot information and ideas

Joe Schmit: just kicking it around with your people

David Horsager: i love it

Joe Schmit: it

David Horsager: so here we go we’re going to

have culture first you lead this process it

David Horsager: can take a lot more time than

this to do it right but look inwardly

David Horsager: first think about you’re going to stop

start continue sarcasm is interesting by the way

David Horsager: i think i think the latin root

of that word is dog ripping flesh so

Joe Schmit: was

David Horsager: i think

Joe Schmit: it really

David Horsager: i think it’s something like that so

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: you know there you go but number

two is agree on a tenant number three

David Horsager: is follow up on figure out the

implementation process and follow up and i

Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: love it there’s more to it but

that’s just

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: a start and i really it’s exciting

you’ve got a lot more examples of where

David Horsager: that’s worked and what you’ve done with


Joe Schmit: es

David Horsager: joe i have

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: to jump in so the books are

great silent impact the impact

Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: blue print and those trades are inspiring

you talk about culture first i want to

David Horsager: back step just a little bit to

all your anchoring days and continual you know

David Horsager: anchoring what’s first of all just what’s

our favorite interview where you gained an idea

David Horsager: you could

Joe Schmit: ah

David Horsager: apply in impact leadership or team work

Joe Schmit: that’s that’s that’s a really really good

question because sometimes it’s not the biggest names

Joe Schmit: that you interview

David Horsager: okay

Joe Schmit: with it have the biggest impact you

know sometimes it’s the young kid with the

Joe Schmit: isis is saucers excited to have big

goals it’s fun to watch these kids have

Joe Schmit: goals and then then you know ten

years later they’re whole thing the stanley cup

Joe Schmit: you know

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: i’ve witnessed that and and that’s a

that’s a very cool feeling

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: two things come to mind one i’m

a lot more aware and intentional when i

Joe Schmit: listen to somebody talk now especially leaders

on something i can steal just from

David Horsager: oh

Joe Schmit: p j flex the other day p

j flex

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: over football coach

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: and i asked him a question i

said if you

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: could make wave a magic wand

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: over your program what would you add

to your program that maybe another program has

Joe Schmit: and you would like to have what

bigger stadium you know more money for recruiting

Joe Schmit: what is it and he said joe

comparison steeled your joy i was

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: like

David Horsager: uh

Joe Schmit: that’s probably been out there a long


David Horsager: h

Joe Schmit: but i thought

David Horsager: h

Joe Schmit: you know what too many times we

compare ourselves to other people you know how

Joe Schmit: come david sogers talking to the government

in cana

David Horsager: ye

Joe Schmit: and i’m talking to the government in

in cambridge minnesota you know you know whatever

Joe Schmit: but

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: if you do that comparison seal your

joy by by i think the most impactful

Joe Schmit: interview i ever had i interviewed a

coach at north western college football coach in

Joe Schmit: roseville minnesota and he was dying of

cancer in but he knew he was dying

Joe Schmit: and he was coaching till the end

and i spent three hours with him on

Joe Schmit: the golf cart coaching that day and

it was my tuesdays with more moment and

Joe Schmit: what i saw was amazing humili amazing

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: even though he had all this impact

he always thought he could give more and

Joe Schmit: and what was interesting is he was

trying to hold on as long as he

Joe Schmit: could and i thought to myself here’s

a here’s a good lesson to it yeah

Joe Schmit: he wanted more he wanted more impact

he wanted more memories he wanted to get

Joe Schmit: more knowledge to his kids i went

to his funeral and guess what his kids

Joe Schmit: his team his former players they wanted

more to they wanted more from him and

Joe Schmit: i thought

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: okay we always can do more we

know that don’t

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: beat ourselves up over it when we

don’t do it but when we have the

Joe Schmit: opportunity let’s do it and that’s that

awareness and intentionality that i talk about has

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: to become part of your d n

d n

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: i mean and that’s hard to say


David Horsager: yep

Joe Schmit: we all make mistakes and we’re all

human we all get too busy but if

Joe Schmit: you put it fore front that’s why

the impact resolutions i do that would be

Joe Schmit: another step along the process where every

month you t a different value or trait

Joe Schmit: and you concentrate on it it’s just

a way to so for example my impact

Joe Schmit: resolution i have it right here at

my desk so i see it every day

Joe Schmit: it’s when we’re put in camera grinding

focus those are the two things i’m concentrating

Joe Schmit: on this month now when the month

ends i will put up another impact resolution

Joe Schmit: but every day i look at that

i realize keep ending and focus because we

Joe Schmit: can easily get distracted

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: by the shiny object

David Horsager: yep absolutely

Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: as an interviewer what’s what’s a favorite

question you ask i remember

Joe Schmit: um

David Horsager: asking what was in sight ful

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: fun to come back to my head

right now because i don’t talk to that

David Horsager: many media folks but i

Joe Schmit: m

David Horsager: got to ask before he passed away

larry king this question was kind of you

David Horsager: mind shift but you have interviewed so

many grades what’s a favorite question

Joe Schmit: that’s a really good question itself first

of all the best interview is listen so

Joe Schmit: you can you’re

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: you’re not thinking about the next question

you’re listening and then it becomes more conversation

Joe Schmit: than a question i have a i

have a default question that i use that

Joe Schmit: in case i’m not getting anywhere i’ll

ask an athlete to describe himself as an

Joe Schmit: athlete so then they can talk ittle

bit but but i think the idea is

Joe Schmit: one of the great questions you can

ask is is all the work you did

Joe Schmit: on the jury has it been worth

it because anybody who has had any success

Joe Schmit: at all there’s a journey it’s kind

of funny once in while you’ll hear about

Joe Schmit: some guy being an overnight success

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: maybe it’s a comedia and maybe it’s

an athlete they don’t realize that for fifteen

Joe Schmit: years they were working their craft like

crazy to become that overnight success so everybody

Joe Schmit: has a journey and what did you

do on that journey and and how did

Joe Schmit: you push through the tough times when

people didn’t believe in you and maybe you

Joe Schmit: didn’t believe in yourself

David Horsager: ah

Joe Schmit: and which kind of leads me to

when we did we did researh and the

Joe Schmit: best bosses and you’re gonna like this

one david because it falls into your category

Joe Schmit: so we did research who is the

best boss and we found out that the

Joe Schmit: best bosses are tough but fair and

that equals trust

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: how about that so so what that

boss did is that boss saw something in

Joe Schmit: you that you didn’t see in yourself

so they pushed you you’re not going to

Joe Schmit: waste your time somebody doesn’t have potential

to take their game to the next level

Joe Schmit: so that boss saw something in you

and one of one of the other exercises

Joe Schmit: i do quite often is the the

mount rush of influence where you know you

Joe Schmit: had to name the foremost impact ful

people in your life who would be on

Joe Schmit: your list and why would you be

there it’s just another reason to

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: another way to be more aware

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: and intentional with your impact and there’s

very often that a former boss will be

Joe Schmit: on there and guess what the boss

was tough but fair and they trusted him

David Horsager: m that’s so true i think of

the coaches have had the teachers have had

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: the you know tough

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: but fair

Joe Schmit: they’re not going to waste they’re not

going to waste time

David Horsager: oh

Joe Schmit: on you if you’re not worth

David Horsager: i

Joe Schmit: helping or saving and and so

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: so i think it’s always interesting the

other thing that i think i learned through

Joe Schmit: interviewing people is there are different styles

that work and different styles work times the

Joe Schmit: hard guy works sometimes the nice guy

works but through it all you better let

Joe Schmit: them know you care you

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: bet they better be clear on the

clarity clarity

David Horsager: h

Joe Schmit: is the

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: catalyst for growth

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: better be crystal clear on what your


David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: is why that role is important and

guess what there’s more than just trying to

Joe Schmit: earn a pay check every

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: two weeks were

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: trying to raise the bar the younger

David Horsager: eh

Joe Schmit: generatio they want they want a reason

that they want passion they want they want

Joe Schmit: something that they can do to help

the world

David Horsager: this is many of you listening were

at the trusted leader summit and you’ll recognize

David Horsager: joe from the summit there’s a reason

we put him on

Joe Schmit: my

David Horsager: stage and have an interview guests and

i think what i’m impressed by with you

David Horsager: joe we had let’s see

Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: an olympian we had a five time

m national the most national championships from the

David Horsager: w b a and a few others

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: and you were the interviewer but you

have a way of drawing out the best

David Horsager: in them and making them look good

and i think you know are given them

David Horsager: given them allowing them to be their


Joe Schmit: m

David Horsager: even if they want to share where

they’ve failed you help them bring out their

David Horsager: best and and what i love is

not just their best for them but for

David Horsager: the audience so the audience you know

what they’re thinking how you think about what

David Horsager: the audience would be thinking is there

anything else there

Joe Schmit: yeah well

David Horsager: oh

Joe Schmit: i know we were talking gabel steveson

David Horsager: oh

Joe Schmit: who was the n c wrestling champion

olympic gold medal wrestler he was one of

Joe Schmit: the guys we brought on stage and

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: and it was interesting because gabel i

didn’t really even ask him the question but

Joe Schmit: he went there to a failure and

why he failed and what that failure did

Joe Schmit: to him and changed him and made

him the rock star in wrestling that he

Joe Schmit: became and i thought that was very

i thought that was very interesting but believe

Joe Schmit: it or not i’m not saying this

just because you’re on the other end but

Joe Schmit: you develop a relation relation ship where

people are going to trust you i remember

Joe Schmit: one time years ago tommy cramer was

a quarterback of the minnesota vikings you know

Joe Schmit: that’s how long i go back and

tommy was mad for asking him questions he

Joe Schmit: had a five interception game and i

went to tommy i said tommy i’m going

Joe Schmit: to be here when you throw five

touched on passes and i’m going to be

Joe Schmit: here when you throw five interceptions so

you as we just get used to it

Joe Schmit: you know but but then trust is


David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: and and and then that makes the

conversation a lot easier people want to tell

Joe Schmit: their story

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: they do like telling their story and

out one other thing david that and i

Joe Schmit: think we’ve probably seen this in a

lot of other injures industries too i became

Joe Schmit: a much better sports caster when i

realized it wasn’t about me

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: it’s about the audience that we’re catering

to but also about the person that i’m

Joe Schmit: talking to

David Horsager: yep

Joe Schmit: you know and and i think that’s

a maturity thing like when you first start

Joe Schmit: off you want to be on t

v and hey look at me and questions

Joe Schmit: you know

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: but but then you kind of turn

it around to you know how is how

Joe Schmit: is how is least horse oker going

to be interested in this story you

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: know you know when at i put

this story

David Horsager: yep

Joe Schmit: on the air you know

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: so so so when you start thinking

that way and i think as leaders

David Horsager: totally

Joe Schmit: we have to think about our audience

you know you

David Horsager: oh

Joe Schmit: know our vendors our employe are people

who work for us and you know how

Joe Schmit: is it going to impact them not

how am i going to

David Horsager: yep

Joe Schmit: look my

David Horsager: so many leaders get up get in

there and like i’m the leader now i

David Horsager: just had somebody on a board right

me it’s like i’m a male head of

David Horsager: this what do you know whatever but

then you get people like a know it’s

David Horsager: all about them some one that comes

to mind that at the summit that you

David Horsager: are at is the former director of

miniapplis saint palinternational airports and he got in

David Horsager: there came from humble beginnings here is

the big direction he started right away what

David Horsager: can i do to serve you he

took six months of listening around the airport

David Horsager: before he really did much and now

as many of us know it’s the best

David Horsager: airport in north america and he’s been

rated the top airport you know for years

David Horsager: and now you know he’s he’s moved

on and consulting with airports and seattle salt

David Horsager: lake and copenhagen but i think there’s

there’s an example of someone proud of in

David Horsager: steve warm that lives that out this

is a really good set up go ahead

David Horsager: joe before we

Joe Schmit: i

David Horsager: go

Joe Schmit: want

David Horsager: to

Joe Schmit: to

David Horsager: our

Joe Schmit: just

David Horsager: final

Joe Schmit: say one thing

David Horsager: question

Joe Schmit: that i’m thinking about because this is

another little exercise for leaders on your impact

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: time with your schedule impact time i

did this with grant casino it’s a big

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: casno they got two casinos in minnesota

and i worked with their leaders and i

Joe Schmit: said i want you to go around

and ask your people what their job is

Joe Schmit: and they would go around and say

well i’m a waiter and i said you

Joe Schmit: have your come back ready now year

aunt you help nourish the soul you give

Joe Schmit: people great food get the energy so

they can go out and have some more

Joe Schmit: fun well i’m a you know i’m

i’m a pit boss no you’re not you’re

Joe Schmit: you know so you you give

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: them value by you because a lot

of times people say i’m in sales no

Joe Schmit: you’re not what are you selling like

the nine eleven people you know

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: i’m helping saving lives by trying to

and make sure everybody has this great g

Joe Schmit: p s system we have whatever the


David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: might be so so as a leader

you can you’re basically adding value to that

Joe Schmit: person by telling him how important they


David Horsager: what do they really do right at

the end of the i don’t sell

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: insurance

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: i give people you know let people

sleep at night

Joe Schmit: yea

David Horsager: or or give them freedom or

Joe Schmit: perfect

David Horsager: peace or whatever

Joe Schmit: hundred percent

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: ye

David Horsager: well

Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: before we get to the final question

we ask every time joe hey you still

David Horsager: are anchoring sports you’re

Joe Schmit: a

David Horsager: still doing great interviews here but you

also spend a lot of time

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: speed in consulting and

Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: equipping people you’re still writing tell us

where can we find out more about jos

David Horsager: mit

Joe Schmit: i have a website joe smith dot

com that’s schmit with one t no d

Joe Schmit: s c h m i t you know

i got the books and all that stuff

David Horsager: yeah

Joe Schmit: available just call i put my own

number on my website how about that

David Horsager: all and every everybody this will be

in the in the show notes if it’s

David Horsager: okay with you will put your phone

Joe Schmit: m

David Horsager: number in the show notes and

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: and well just well just do that


Joe Schmit: m

David Horsager: josh mitt dot com we that and

more you’ll have links to his great books

David Horsager: and how to find more out about

joe it is the trusted leader show joe

David Horsager: smith who is a leader

Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: you trust and why

Joe Schmit: you that’s a really good question but

i think mac to me the most trusted

Joe Schmit: leader i’ve ever worked with in death

with was tony dunge and tony

David Horsager: m

Joe Schmit: dung was the defensive coordinator of the

minnesota vikings when he was here he went

Joe Schmit: on and coach a couple of teams

as the head coach and one of super

Joe Schmit: wall with the indianapolis cults and my

personal library i have all my favorite books

Joe Schmit: right in front of me and in

one of the books he wrote is uncommon

Joe Schmit: and it’s it’s all about you know

how can you be uncommon today but tony

Joe Schmit: was

David Horsager: my

Joe Schmit: a guy who walked the walk and

talk to talk and and tony gave up

Joe Schmit: a very lucrative coaching career so he

could help he was trying to help the

Joe Schmit: african american men who maybe weren’t the

best fathers in the world he was trying

Joe Schmit: he set

David Horsager: oh

Joe Schmit: his goals much bigger than just being

a football coach once he accomplished that but

Joe Schmit: as genuine and as real as they

get and there is no phoning it’s there

Joe Schmit: and being of trust um that that’s

why tony was a successful coach people trusted

Joe Schmit: him tony never

David Horsager: hm

Joe Schmit: yelled tony never swore this is a

football coach he wasn’t vince lombardy i’ll tell

Joe Schmit: you that

David Horsager: just recently actually was at the uncommon

awards banquet it was ben rothsburger is the

David Horsager: early award

Joe Schmit: yep

David Horsager: this year and it was a treat

to see them both

Joe Schmit: yes

David Horsager: but tony

Joe Schmit: m

David Horsager: dunge s a great example for all

Joe Schmit: oh

David Horsager: that know him

Joe Schmit: yeah

David Horsager: joe you’re a great example thanks for

being on the show thanks for being my

David Horsager: friend and so it has been the

trusted leader show till next time stay trusted.

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