Trust Tip Tuesday: How far is too far? | Trust in Government
Everyone is asking the questions:
When it comes to national security, how much intelligence collection do we really need? How far is too far?
Should the NSA be more transparent?
What is the balance of transparency vs. confidentiality?
Where is the accountability?
If the NSA were to share in the clearest terms possible about about the necessities, there would be more confidence and less doubt and concern about the intentions of the U.S. and it’s use (or abuse) of its technology and security.
This extent of spying shows the American government’s lack of trust in its people, as well as the rest of the world. And a lack of trust is America’s biggest expense.
What would you do to change the way our National Security collects intelligence in a ethical and trustworthy way, without compromising the safety of the American people?
Foreign Relations and Trust, Trust in government, NSA spying, merkel, Building Trust