Give More Vision and Less Step-by-Step | Building Trust with Gen Y Series
Assign work and give lots of vision, and less exact step-by-step procedures. (3 of 9 in series)
Gen Y gets become less engaged when given a roadmaps with exact steps. They have a penchant for problem solving and want challenges to face. Millennials are the first generation to grow up with the internet. They’ve spent their entire lives learning and trying multiple methods for accomplishing end goals. Scouring YouTube how-to videos, explanations, experts’ websites, Yahoo! conversation boards, etc. are standard protocol for figuring out how to do something. Their minds are like databases of ideas, and they want to apply them through trial and error. If their leaders teach top suggested methods, give them responsibility, and trust them to deliver results on deadlines, they are likely to innovate more efficient methods and get high quality results.