Give Commitment Get Commitment

Speaking on commitment. But I one time had a vice president of sales right before his meeting come up to me and say, “Dave, I’ve read your book “and I love the chapter on commitment. “I think that is so important for our company, “can you just tell my team to be committed to me?” No, you gotta be committed to them first, commitment breeds commitment. Sometimes people ask me, “How do you rebuild trust? “How do you rebuild it?”

We’ve all made mistakes. Let me tell you what’s not, it’s not the apology. And if a president, a CEO from a company in the Netherlands came up to me, said, we were talking, we knew each other for, been over here about a month. I said, “What do you notice different in America?” He said, “You wanna know the truth David?” I said, “Yeah.” He said, “In America, you’ve got a bunch “of lying apologizers. “They all say they’re sorry and they don’t mean it. “‘I’m sorry I’m late.’ “No you’re not, you’re late every time. “‘Sorry I didn’t get that done.’ “No you never get that done.” Doesn’t mean you don’t need to start with a sincere apology, but whether you’re a big business or an individual, the only way to rebuild trust is to make and keep a commitment, that starts with personal commitments.

Give Commitment Get Commitment | David Horsager | The Trust Edge

Are you frustrated by the lack of commitment from your employees or coworkers? Are you struggling to build a culture of commitment in your company or organization? In this video, David explains how the best way to get commitment is to give commitment first.

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