Family Tenets | Trust in Relationships

How trustworthy and trusting is your family? Regardless of your answer, there’s always room for improvement. One activity that may be helpful for growth is writing family tenets. Merriam-Webster defines tenets as “a belief or idea that is very important to a group.” What beliefs and ideas are important to your family? Tenets provide guidance for how a family thinks, interacts, and serves. They are a model of what you commit to becoming together.


Use the Horsager family tenets as an example for collectively creating your own!


1. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 
2. Be Grateful. 
3. Do what you know is right over what is easy. 
4. Live within your means. 
5. You and I are blessed to be a blessing to others. 
6. Learn to forgive truly and quickly. 
7. Keep learning. 
8. Believe in your great potential, purpose, and possibilities. 
9. Be humble. 
10. Learn to overlook an insult. 
11. Cultivate meaningful friendships. 
12. Celebrate life! 
13. Trust and obey God.



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