Chaos or Competency | The Trust Edge

While in India I was struck by the seeming chaos on the roads. My Indian friend said, “There is only one rule for the road in India…there are no rules.” Another favorite comment of his was, “You need only 3 things to be a good driver in India. Good brakes, good horn, and good luck.” Horns were constantly honking. At one moment a family on motorcycle (no helmets and baby in lap of the mother riding side-saddle) could be passing a bus with 100 people in it and 50 people riding on top, next to a camel cart pulling a ton of wheat, a cow wandering in to the mix and 2 Rick-shaws coming straight at oncoming traffic (see video for a glimpse). Why does it all work? Competency. The native drivers know the subtleties.  There are very few accidents—unless a foreigner decides to try get in the driver’s seat. Drivers have become so skilled at understanding the unwritten rules of the road, the difference in how long a horn is held down, the size of vehicles and priorities each deserves, when it is okay to whip between oncoming traffic, and a host of other intricacies. Indian drivers are amazingly competent?  How do you stay fresh, relevant and capable in your area of expertise? To build the 4th pillar of trust consider:

  1. Reading a good book
  2. Finding a mentor
  3. Teaching a class
  4. Attending a seminar
  5. Going back to school
  6. Asking more questions

To see more ideas see page 123 in The Trust Edge.

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” Ben Franklin


8 pillars, Chaos, David Horsager, Trust in Business, Trust in Leadership, Competency, India

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