Business Model Generation | Clarity

In the book Business Model Generation , Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur share effective solutions for brainstorming and designing a business. We highly recommend these methods for any group brainstorming. They will help any team while processing and creating new marketing strategies. When building new strategies it is vital to have clear expectations and communication. Some creative ways to build strategies are:

  • Visualizing with Post-it Notes
  • Visualizing with Drawings
  • Understand the Essence
  • Enhance Dialogue
  • Explore Ideas
  • Improve Communication

 Using Different Types of Visualization for Different Needs will help in building a strong, clear strategy.

(Taken from pages 150-157 of Business Model Generation by Osterwalder & Pigneur)



Business Model Generation, Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Clarity, Strategy, Visualizing, Communication

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